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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Did Ellen Wang pass away?!?
  2. I read once about a member keeping a neo in a champagne cup. LOL So yeah, it's doable. The thing you have to keep on top of is water params. If anything goes wrong it will go wrong fast, but keep on it and you should be fine.
  3. I have one package of 8 black/red ADULT and juvie Misch up for grabs! Priced LOW for quick sale! Mischlings are crystal x TB, so when they breed they have the random chance of throwing TB as well. Grades vary. I'll even include two that were sold to me as RED PINTO MISCH. I bought them for $20! Quick Sale for all 10: Only $40! (Blue Bolts in picture not included or for sale.) $10 priority shipping to continental US.
  4. NASA shared a raw image online Wednesday from the Curiosity rover's left navigation camera. The rover scanned the bottom of a now dry ocean bed even bigger than the Arctic Ocean here on Earth. If you look closely, you can see an object near the bottom center of the image that looks an awful lot like something you would see swimming around in a lake.
  5. Looks good, but don't know if it's water proof.
  6. Hi OEM, yeah it gets expensive with software, upgrades, servers, website, etc. If you'd like to donate to help this site continue to succeed, that would be awesome. It's through generosity from people such as yourself, that we are able to continue. If you click on the "Store" tab above, you can see three levels you are able to donate. Since the upgrade we have to rename that tab, and write what each level offers again. So much done, so much work ahead of us. heh We also understand there are many people in the hobby on this forum who may not be in a financial position become a supporting member. Rest assured, we still care about these people too. That's why we don't charge for the marketplace, or have this a "paid only" forum. The more legit information available, the more we are all able to appreciate the hobby.
  7. Perhaps some confusion since low ph negates ammonia better than high ph? But yea, I don't ship with a heat pack very often now. I wrap my breathers in newspaper, then stuff the styro box with cellulose insulation. I suspected the heat wasn't even getting to them.
  8. A tip- if you use a blasting sand, run a bubbler overnight after adding the sand. It will help the floating particles sink. Also, I found if I fill my tanks with water FIRST, then pour the sand into the water by large cups, it spreads itself and self levels. After the cloudiness goes away by the next day, it looks pretty good.
  9. I used something similar for all my neo tanks. $8 a 50 lb bag. I found mine at the local hardware store. (Menards)
  10. So, the true blue diamond came from chocolate diamond. You are correct though, a blue looks like blue. I'd love to see a pic of his new strain. Congrats to him!
  11. Hindsight's 20/20. Very smart, Mayphly!
  12. Thank you for the information on these guys. Perhaps you should copy that and paste in a journal in the invert section so we can follow your progress? I personally would love to get into tree snails, but so often these are not available due to laws.
  13. I think that can be reset by the admin so the number is larger. I may be able to "like" more since I'm clean up crew.
  14. I think that was the limit. I haven't noticed a limit since the upgrade.
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