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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I know some people that may help.  I'll pm them after I take my kids to school. 


    I think we should make this into a contest with poll at the end of a specific time.


    People can feel free to pm who they want to come and vote for them here. ;)

  2. Here ya go:


    BB= Blue Bolt (Taiwan Bee)


    WR= Wine Red (Taiwan Bee)


    BTOE= Black Tiger Orange Eye


    Tibee= Hybrid of Tiger x Bee (Usually Tiger x CRS/CBS)


    Card= Short for Caridina


    RBT= Royal Blue Tiger


    BEBT= Black Eyed Blue Tiger


    BTBE= Black Tiger Black Eyed


    (Both BEBT and BTBE are very rare to find right now.)

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