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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Well naturally I have to have a striped doctor. Reminds me of the long coats. LOL
  2. I'm using pan's new "fruit with insects." Just add water. Gotta love that!
  3. Thanks. You know I'll prob get cresties too. Lol Do you breed yours?
  4. nic, I just edited your post to show your pics. Hope it was okay. This has changed a little because of the update. To add pics from an url, click on "insert other media" in the lower right corner and "insert image from url."
  5. I know Will has the belief to offer the best he can for the members here. But sometimes you have to drag me kicking and screaming into the modern age. LOL
  6. Yeah, change stresses me out! LOL Love the drip acclimating to it analogy! Deta, I think we all are going to have to figure some things out along the way. heh I notice the search feature isn't working correctly in the marketplace.
  7. "This...will likely break the addons that we currently have (feedback and tapatalk being the two I can think of offhand). " I guess those are a couple add ons he may have to add on again. Hopefully nothing is lost?
  8. So I'm actually going through this in my RR tank for some reason. Today I noticed a molt. On the inside of the shell was the brown gill markings. Thought I'd share before pulling the molt out.
  9. I hear ya Vpier. It makes me a little sad that so many cards are not homogonous anymore.
  10. There are quite a lot of mutations and unexpected throws that neos have on a routine basis. Most of these get culled from a strain and not bred out. Some are "sports" and not given to offspring. The mutations/new throws are what I found fascinating to work with for years. I still think we are going to see more things pop up from neos. Purple has been in the works for years overseas. I developed a green strain that can go in several directions. And more will be seen. (Not just from me. LOL) I think the biggest challenge facing neos today is not new colors or patterns, but breeders working to breed strains true. Sometimes this takes years, and people don't put in the effort.
  11. I've seen SCR go for between $60-90 ea depending on breeder. Occasionally a hobbyist will sell one for less, but not often. As noted, a lot depends on saturation and line. The original SCR did not come from low grades, but were bred from high saturated CRS. They would breed these to gain more and more red coverage. I just sold a project recently where I was breeding for a pseudo SCR by attempting low grade to cover more by red. Basically breeding from the other end of the spectrum. The saturation wasn't there yet, but I was slowly making progress. Because the saturation was not thick, and there was no stable line from my project yet, the shrimp were not worth the same as a high grade SCR.
  12. Well, to be fair- it used to be the higher up the pattern, the more expensive. The challenge was people in the US were ignoring the saturation of color and were doing anything to get the pattern higher up the list. Then people got wise and realized pattern makes no difference if the saturation of color isn't there. The desire to have the white look like solid and the red to look painted began to outweigh poor coloration. So then you had people working on color saturation and charging higher prices for them. Grade A with high saturation would actually sell for much more than a grade SSS poorly colored, and so on. Shrimp stuff runs in fads. So it can be hard to keep up with all the fads if one hasn't been in shrimping, or not been in shrimping for awhile. Glad to see you found what you needed in the marketplace. Good luck with your shrimping, and feel free to share your successes or questions along the way.
  13. With my Malawas, they seem to need protein or they will start cannibalizing. Once I figured that out and added occasional protein, no problems since.
  14. I'm newish to cards, so I have to rely on your experiences. How accurate is this chart?
  15. The German breeders like to take low ph shrimp and over time adapt them to their water of 7+. I love that idea and think it would be good for the hobby in general. Can you imagine pintos, TB, and other cards not having to have buffered soil?
  16. Scott, your pictures are great to break up the length of the article and provide interest. Another fine thought sharing.
  17. Old tank syndrome caught me off guard before. ph in the 4's without buffering substrate. That was with fish.
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