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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Tearing down a 20g tall tank and have two well established Anubias Nana to sell off.


    anubias tank.jpg





    Small one is 7" tall


    anubias small.jpg





    Large is 9" tall.


    anubias large.jpg




    -Both are attached to an individual inert small rock. (Not lava.) 


    -Their rhizome is vertical. 


    -The plethora of roots you see on either, makes them a bit unusual and turned out to be great for baby shrimp to wander in and out.  (The many roots were from another experiment I did a while back.)  You can see in the pic (if you look closely) adult blue carbons gathered in front.


    close up of large.jpg



    $25 price tag for both plants as a group.


    $19.95 for both.


    Your choice of USPS shipping in the continental US.


  2. (1 package) 10 Wild Type Neo Shrimp (some adults, some juvie, possibly pee wees.)

    wild shrimp.jpg

    (Image from Google, but mine are very much the same.)


    I kept these for two reasons.

    1) To test cross my Nessie strain to see if the green was recessive or dominant to wild (Weirdly, Nessie was dominant over wild.)

    2) To eventually cross into other established strains to see if a new strain possibility would pop out.  (Never got to do that project.)


    10 Wild Type Neo Shrimp (plus any I find in the tank I'm taking down) for only 9.95


    Priority shipping is 10.00 in the continental US.

  3. Many of you know I'm exiting shrimping for a while.  While I've been emptying tanks, I've been putting all the moss into one tank.


    I'm not done yet selling stuff, however I have a tenner full of mixed mosses that need to go bye bye.


    So, I'm doing a RAOK of ten gallons worth of mixed moss from various tanks. I'm asking for the cost of whatever USPS shipping you decide on if you win. I can mail out Monday.


    Now for the disclaimer. This moss may contain: random shrimp, random snails, nuclear weapons, hair or BBA, attached soil, submarines, floaters, sinkers, sidewaysers, yellow color, Amelia Earhart, unicorns, bigfoot's toe nails, and more...


    To play, I humbly ask that you start a numbered list with your Shrimp Spot name and state why you like this forum.


    I'll randomly generate the winning number Friday around 7pm.


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  4. OKay, I'm not really a knowledgeable plant person.  I'm shutting down tanks and have two Anubias Nana that need to be sold.  Problem is, I have no idea on average pricing for something like these.  Help?


    anubias tank.jpg


    In 20g tall tank. Small one is 7" tall, Large is 9" tall.


    I planted the rhizomes on a rock vertical due to not knowing better. heh See below.


    close up of large.jpg


    Any idea of avg price for these types of plants?

  5. I have one package I need gone to shut down some tanks:




    (1) Round Pellia (Subwassertang) ~5" tall x ~6" across from Neo tank



    (1) Lush Fissidens on 1" x 3" Cholla from Neo tank




    (1) Unknown Pellia ~5" x ~6" (8"?) from Card tank.  May have some strands of moss or the occasional ball of substrate mixed in/latched on.


    So here's the deal.  I need these gone.


    (1) Round Pellia (Subwassertang) ~5" tall x ~6" across

    (1) Lush Fissidens on 1" x 3" Cholla from Neo tank

    (1) Unknown Pellia ~5" x ~6" to 8" from Card tank. 





    You pay your preference of USPS shipping in the continental US.  Heat pack $2 extra.





  6. ***You get all the Jade neo shrimp in the tank! ***

    For safety I'll say 10+, (but at quick glance I counted  around 14.  Maybe more?) 

    I counted ~ 4 adults, the rest were juvies and pee wees.


    10+ Jades (and any additional Jade shrimp in tank) for $49.50. 

    That includes FREE priority shipping and heat pack in the continental US.

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