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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. If you go to https://translate.google.com/and pop in the web url, it will do the whole page for ya. Edit: Firefox now has an add on called IM translater. Download it. Right click and you can translate your webpage.
  2. Quick question, when the brown tint is removed via purigen, etc, are the benefits of tannin removed as well? Or is the coloring gone, and the tannin still there?
  3. Does anyone have really cheap crs for this guy?
  4. I'd love to see that. Please do. Pming as I don't want to hijack this thread further.
  5. I think he's just frustrated, Sot. That happens sometimes to me when I'm trying to explain something, but someone else just doesn't get it.
  6. LOL I got threatened to be banned several different times. Off the top of my head... 1) I wrote the mod to let them know a member was pming other members with no good reason other than trying to ruin another reputation to get sales for themselves. The mod wrote back and attacked me verbally for reporting this since pm's are "private." So I wrote an angry pm to the mod telling him what I thought his job should be, and even if he didn't agree- he should treat people with respect. Yeah... that got me almost banned. heh 2) I replied to a subject about shrimp, and the mod wrote me to let me know I was given a warning and if again, I would be suspended. Confused, I asked around to my friends in pm and found out the mod had told people to stop talking about it- but HOURS after I had posted my reply- not BEFORE my reply as was indicated in his pm. When I contacted the mod to let them know the timeline didn't match up, I got no action- but I did get threatened to be banned for causing trouble to the mod in pm. (?) After some other times like this, and others being treated like that, I emailed Will and suggested it was time to make our own forum. He agreed. This forum's core belief is to have trust in membership self policing, open knowledge and members of all ages to be treated as family. Don't get me wrong, the other forum was good, but I MUCH prefer the way this forum is run...but that's just my opinion. I'm biased.
  7. I've often questioned this myself since one is card and the other neo.
  8. People are confused, gerb. We're trying to help you out, but unsure what you are looking for (even though you know exactly what you want.) Let's attack this from a different way: Are you looking for any crs that does not have solid color that you can buy cheap? Or are you looking for mostly red crs? Look here specifically at grades to know what we are talking about: http://crystalred.xc.ro/en/crystal-red-shrimp-grades.html The trend now is the lower grades (C-A showing more red) are going for more money than grade S or above. There are people that have coloration of S-SS+ that are not as solid they will be happy to sell for less though. Sometimes they sell these as culls, too.
  9. I'm very child like. LOL As they fall, they leave behind a trail and I tend to make meteor noises.
  10. I'm not offended either way! LOL Like you, I almost always remain skeptical until proven otherwise.
  11. Most people don't know the little differences. heh You are now one of the select few.
  12. As said, I'll still have some projects in neos I'll be doing. Can't get me out that easily. LOL
  13. Beautiful blues. They look like the phenotype of BV. A couple things to consider- when the eggs are close to hatching do they look pink? Are the babies red?
  14. People try their best with charts, however many of them were not around when the lines were made. I was lucky enough to be around in the days neos were first becoming popular, and have seen many of the strains come into being. Speedie was one of the first importers of neos and would receive information from his sources that bred them, whom in turn would relay the information to us buyers. This maker of this chart has meant well and did the best s/he could, however consider having kept rilis for lots of years, I can say with 100% certainty one never produced a blue shell pigmented rili. heh I have experienced all three types of blues from the RR first hand though. heh Also, consider that BV was a strain before carbons were even a strain. Since that is so, how would BV come from a strain that did not exist yet? Regardless if you chose to believe my information or not, even the chart shows carbons and blue rilis have two separate backgrounds. When mixing backgrounds, the chance of wilds are increased.
  15. Have quite a few RR babies now. Not all are clear tissued as I hoped, but I still like 'em. Well, I've been thinking for quite some time now about the inevitable, I suppose. Neos are one of my favorite shrimp. I'm all for- when a new strain is achieved, a new name is deserved. However, because of all the undeserved name switching by sellers and pet stores, and the number of people that are on fb forums and others that just don't care about neo genetics and instead call whatever shrimp they see something random based on how they look, I'm seriously downsizing my collection of neos. I'll keep some of my projects going, but most will be going bye bye. When I first got into neos things were far simpler. Breeders put effort into breeding a strain true instead of throwing 10% true and releasing them to the public. Neocaridina hobbyists took pride in maintaining neos of certain strains, and when any extra was sold others knew they were getting a true strain name. Now, just look at the confusion of blues that are out there for instance. Hell, I only know my Nessies are the real thing because I made the strain! LOL So, frustrated and disappointed, I've made the decision to leave most of my neos behind. On the other hand, make room for me please- I'm soon entering my card phase! I have lots of learning to do, but hopefully you'll be welcoming to a noobie!
  16. Well, let's go into some history here of BV. Red Rili threw three different forms of blues. clear blue tissue shrimp (also known as blue rili. I know very confusing since it has no blue splotches.) These are born blue. BBRR which looks like a red rili but blue body tissue. These look like red babies, and gradually develop the red rili pattern. The third form is BV. These also look like red babies, and gradually develop the red rili pattern. What makes the difference between BV and BBRR is that BV starts out looking like BBRR, but as they get older the red fades away leaving a blue tissue shrimp. As a novelty note: RBV is a term for Red Blue Velvet which is when a BV keeps the red past juvie stage into adulthood. Even that tends to fade with age though. So, the BV is a genetic mutation from RR, and separate from BBRR. Carbons and Blue carbons (which some people are calling blue rili now) are from the chocolate diamond line. So since the backgrounds are different, BV x Carbon should yield wild types with the occasional blue here and there. If you were to try it, I'd say try a small sample first and see what happens.
  17. I'm confused- which is not unusual. LOL If the substrate releases ammonia to cycle the tank... ...and fish are used to add ammonia to cycle the tank... ....Aren't you just adding ammonia to ammonia for no reason? I mean, ignoring the debate of fish vs fishless cycling, it makes sense for inert substrate, but for ammonia producing substrate? I'm so lost!
  18. I only used like 3 gains per 10g during feedings. That will last you for years. heh
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