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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I really enjoy the conversational style of your writings. You mentioned "fewer crustaceans ...because it is difficult for them to build their shells in these calcium-poor environments." Does this mean the tannins bind with calcium in the water?
  2. So you would be looking for crs with color not as solid, right? Low grade can also be taken as C grade, etc. (Ie. More red than white.)
  3. I did this before baby food became popular.
  4. Her eyes are awesome, and her temperament is sweet. heh I know what you mean about gecko feet. Scientists have worked to re-create that type of application instead of velcro for years. Finally not too long ago they had a breakthrough, and have been using it for all kinds of insane things. Mostly Military. Check it out: http://www.designntrend.com/articles/15108/20140607/us-military-developing-gecko-gloves-allowing-soldiers-to-scale-walls.htm
  5. Doctor Who had a wild companion called Leela, so my goyle is now officially Leela. As you can see, Leela is changing her clothes, but not shy at all. She's super relaxed and loves to lay in the hand-ock. heh
  6. Very nice article. This concerns me a bit with shrimp: " Once in a while, you might encounter a few aquatic botanicals that will develop a stinky, hydrogen-sulfide-like smell and float to the surface (this happens with "Capsula Pods" on occasion). Simply remove them from the tank as you encounter them. No point in hanging on to one of them in this state!" How does that affect the water quality when that happens? Ammonia? Nits?
  7. The igs look awesome! You have lizards too?
  8. Heyya daz, that would be oblongshrimp with access to the tech. Good luck!
  9. Here's his own remin mix http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3406-experience-using-seachem-equilibrium-n-nutrafin-african-cichlid-conditioners-to-boost-gh/page-2#entry48413
  10. Is this the post you are talking about? http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3406-experience-using-seachem-equilibrium-n-nutrafin-african-cichlid-conditioners-to-boost-gh/page-2 Rev had his own forum too, and was very knowledgeable. Wish we had him here again, but forums get very time consuming to run.
  11. Just a tip. I've found if you gently swirl the water in the bucket in one direction, often tiny shrimp will swim in the opposite direction.
  12. I'll try to get some after gymnastics today.
  13. I use the rule of threes for neos. Roughly 3 weeks berried Roughly 3 months till breeding.
  14. She came in and is cute! She is more beige than granite though, so thinking a Slitheen? Any Whovian fan suggestions?
  15. I've been having fun moving forward to create my own super red line from low grade crs instead of high grade. I need to sell these to raise money for another project now. Those who know me know I have too many projects going already! LOL Need to make some room. Ph was in the low 6's last checked. Two cameras were used taking these pics to give an accurate representation. Color wasn't edited- only thing adjusted was sharpness. All 16 red shrimp (My entire Red project) $120 + $10 insulated priority shipping in the continental US. That's only 7.50 per shrimp for a project that has some work behind it already. Can't be more fair than that. PS- CBS not sent
  16. To be honest, I wish I had gone with an opaque background on my tanks before placing on racks.
  17. I'm counting on that cardinal. Welcome to the forum!
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