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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. In some cases, I've drained 50% of my water and used airline to add the new. I have 10g tanks, so that may be different from what you have- but it has worked well for me.
  2. Lots of people have problems running CO2 in a shrimp tank. Not saying it can't be done, but only a small percent have figured it out without deaths.
  3. My neos still grow faster than card crosses though. heh
  4. I'm curious. If the shrimp like the sponge and are eating/hanging out on it- why change it?
  5. Yep. Cresties are neat too, but if the tail comes off, it doesn't grow back. If a leo tail comes off, it grows back deformed. With goyles, if the tail comes off, it grows back and physically looks as good as the original. It may not have the exact color pattern though.
  6. They are pretty mellow. I was drawn to the pudgy body type, and that they are not as common as cresties. I also like that I don't have to keep/breed bugs since they take a commercial diet. Just mix powder with water. A huge plus for me is people are just now starting to selectively breed them for traits. So plenty of opportunity for creative decisions.
  7. I went to the hardware stores and Walmart and none had the All Access Organizers. So, I went on Amazon and saw it on prime in Black! So, I splurged and bought the more expensive black one. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BEUDXHW?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=od_aui_detailpages00 About $10 more than I was expecting to spend, but I think it looks a bit classier, so it was a trade off. Still cheaper than a glass tank. heh I bought a few more cheap parts for it, and will write a DIY with supplies links as I go along in exploring creativity. heh I also just bought my first Gargoyle, along with Pangea food. She's only about 11g, so has to gain some weight yet. She won't arrive for a small while yet. Shipping is a lot more expensive for lizards than shrimp. $50 is roughly avg for overnight. $35 on the low end, and $65 on the high end depending on website. --- This is my adopted little goyle.
  8. Cheaper if you buy in bulk. http://www.ebay.com/itm/4x-Bio-Sponge-Filter-Betta-Fry-Aquarium-Fish-Tank-Double-Sponge-S-XY-2831-/261031177688?hash=item3cc6abadd8:g:GSQAAOSwxN5WZ9Ae
  9. Halfsiders look different on the right side than the left. That will be interesting to see mature, for sure!
  10. We all have to help each other. At first, some particles float on top, but with a bubbler and 24 hours everything usually settles well. I don't bother to wash it.
  11. I have Via Aquas on my large tanks, and the temp is steady. Having said that, if the power goes out, the digital resets itself to 78F. The manual dial doesn't. Both these are several years old though. They may have improved it by now.
  12. What kind of cray? That may make a difference.
  13. The strains must have gotten better over the years. When I had them they even turned chocolate colored, but perhaps not now.
  14. Nadia had her final competition for the year yesterday. This was the big one. You have to have a certain score on all around to even go. This was State, so all the girls were very very good. The groups were separated by age bracket, so Nads didn't get a chance to be with her other team mates except one. Here's her scores: Vault 8.50 Bars 9.275 Beam 9.150 Floor 8.675 AA 35.60 She got 5th on bars, 4th on beam, and 7th in the all around! :D Whew! She loves competing, and she didn't do too bad this year. She's pretty proud of herself. I am, too! We're moving her to another gymnastics facility after this contract is up at the end of May. Should be a better fit for her, and hopefully we'll see the scores improve even better by competition season next year. Yay Nadia!
  15. Do you breed cresties? If so, maybe next year we can trade a baby or two.
  16. You can try it. T'would be an interesting experiment.
  17. Here's some more info on it. Seems it is pretty common in farmed prawns as well: http://marindro.blogspot.com/2008/06/shrimp-disease-white-spot-syndrome-01.html
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