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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. "Due to water parameter difference these shrimps may turn slightly like chocolate."
  2. "So expect to have nice grade chocolate, blue diamond, and black sakura from the babies." Sounds to me like selling a single color from the chocolate diamonds. To me a strain is one that breeds near true.
  3. Tap has different addatives in it at different times in the year. Unfortunately, we can't test for everything.
  4. Why do wc with pure ro? Also, the tap could cause problems, if not now- later.
  5. Could be. Try as we might, we can't control all factors.
  6. It may have also been usps at fault. Some sellers won't even give a guarantee with priority because of that. But I've had few problems with that.
  7. Although I don't double bag myself, I disagree that was the problem. Kordon has stated double bagging is fine as long as paper is used between them. It is only dangerous when bag to bag contact is made. In my opinion the heat pack got too hot because the paper towel let through more air than newspaper would. More air = more chem rx = hotter. But, that's the beauty of a forum. You get all kinds of opinions to choose from.
  8. I don't know. Heh. I also don't know if such small amounts will affect them at all. When I first started keeping shrimp, I bought yellows. At the time commercial shrimp food was unknown to me, so I fed blanched spinach as their only food. Within a couple months they started turning.
  9. Yes, salt dips have been proven safe with neos. They can surprisingly take salty water for short amounts of time without problems.
  10. I'm a little afraid to try it with my neos yet. It has spinach if I remember correctly, which can turn my yellows color.
  11. Purple and Deluxe, do you have a strain of them yet? (I have no idea the history of fire black.)
  12. If you have seeded media, you can do it almost immediately, but not really recommended. The biggest thing in shrimping is patience.
  13. "I'm dumping them in the garden tank in my back garden to see if they freeze to death or survive..." Confusion ended for everyone I hope.
  14. Fire Black from overseas: I've been working on a black strain myself, but it is still a year or more away from being completed.
  15. I've seen very dark blue that looks close to black, and I have some dark green Nessies that look close to black. Chocolate rose/diamond is actually very dark chocolate, and occasionally a carbon is fully covered that has coloration close to black, but a solid black strain doesn't exist that I've seen (in the USA anyway.) Overseas I've seen a fire black strain which looked to be a real black... But things always pop up to surprise me with shrimp, so maybe there's a small breeder who has developed a strain I don't know about yet.
  16. I understand that line of thinking. However IMO there is nothing wrong with the shrimp body other than attached worms on the shell that can be removed.
  17. The turtle, believed to be over 100 years old, is the last known female of her species, Rafetus swinhoei, and was recently artificially inseminated. http://abcnews.go.com/International/worlds-endangered-turtle-100-years-mom/story?id=31537234
  18. The article had a fun title, so I had to use it. heh This is an Olm. A blind Cave Salamander. Story: https://gma.yahoo.com/scientists-eagerly-await-rare-birth-baby-dragons-slovenian-180638143--abc-news-topstories.html Some interesting facts: live 100 years or longer can survive without food for up to 10 years female olms only reproduce once every six to seven years
  19. I hear salt dips can be effective almost immediately on individuals.
  20. The colors are co-dom. Blue x White is powder blue. Red x White is Apricot. Makes me wonder if red x blue is purple?
  21. Heck yeah! I don't know how many remember the USA women's gymnastics team from the 2012 Olympics. I just heard a few days ago that McKayla Maroney is retiring now, and very shocking to me is that Kyla Ross has now stated she's not going to compete internationally anymore (although she'll still do collegiate gymnastics at UCLA.) With Weiber out, that means 2 out of the five are going to try to make the team for this year. Those two are Aly Raisman (which would give any floor competitor a run for their money), and my favorite- Gabby Douglas (who does terrific on all around!) Keep in mind the last female gymnasts to make the U.S. Olympic team two times in a row were Dominique Dawes and Amy Chow in 1996 and 2000 If both Gabby and Simone Biles make the 2016 Olympic team, it would be a dream competition for sure!
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