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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Are you sure you are not talking about detritus worms?
  2. I haven't dosed it yet because of my daughter's practice/meet schedule. Supposedly I would dose it and then change 80% water 6 hrs later. However, I may not have to. I looked in the tank today, and didn't see any with it. It may have been the worms can't take clean water...
  3. She turned 7 in December of last year. If gymnastics is on, sometimes she'll watch and sometimes not. She'd rather be doing than watching.
  4. It can be pretty nerve wracking! LOL I think I get more nervous than she does!
  5. Pretty cool. I never thought I'd see one of my kids at such large meets, but she loves competing. The last meet for this year is next weekend, and it is state. It is so big, there's two gyms and it lasts over several days. In fact, Nadia doesn't even get to compete with a majority of her teammates. To make it more organized, they had to break it into what week your birthday fell on, as to what time session you compete. Not sure how the awards work. It'd suck to be a person competing in the early AM, only to have to wait for awards in the late pm. Perhaps they'll award after each session? We'll see...
  6. Nadia says, "Thank You!" to all her international supporters! This was taken Sunday at her gym meet held at the University.
  7. I really like the red trim on the tanks. Not too crazy about the deformed fish (eel?) awesome video though!
  8. Sounds as if you may have a chocolate neo.
  9. Told the coach today about Nadia being right handed, but leading with her left. Turns out my wife said something, too. Heh Nads has one more meet next weekend. The big one. State!
  10. Vault 8.8- 7th pl Bars 8.65- 7th pl Beam 8.7- 6th pl Floor 7.9 AA 34.50- 7th pl So four medals this time. Glad to see her confidence boosted.
  11. Today she had some tough judges. She did pretty well, but went over the lower bar on dismount. Automatic .5 deduction.
  12. Vault 7.65 coach forgot to take the extra spring out of the springboard, and take off the double high top mat. Ugh Bars 9.05 Beam 8.4 coach had her mount the beam from the wrong side. Floor 7.825 AA 32.925
  13. So still a looong day ahead of me at the meet right now. Nadia had a meet last weekend too. Not bad, but not great. She was doing very well on floor. Looked to be a 9+, but suddenly she blanked in the middle of her routine. She recovered after about a 10 sec deer in the headlight look, but not before the damage was done. Here's her scores from last weekend:
  14. Well, technically shrimp have no brains, just a nerve cluster for instinct. So yep. No smarts. Heh
  15. I was wondering when we'd get fish here in the marketplace.
  16. The black rose I bought awhile back were actually very dark chocolate. I was very disappointed. That's all I have to go off of.
  17. BTW, if you can get the yellow tupfel into a strain, you'd be the first to introduce them to the US. Overseas they have stable yellow, and even red. I have yet to see either here.
  18. "But honey, this new tank is full of life, and they're so cute. Of course, we could have another baby."
  19. So if you were to compensate by turning your pics left before posting, I wonder if they would post correctly? heh
  20. Well, to be more precise, the offspring won't be prl. The adult prl can be moved to another tank to make more prl. The cross will improve offspring coloration. Not as low grade as they were, but not as high as prl.
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