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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I think you and I may be the only ones building a terrarium/vivarium. You are raising the bar high!
  2. Without being sarcastic, I guess the question is - does sw Nitrate read the same as fw Nitrate?
  3. They won't go wild, but you may revert back to chocolate diamonds.
  4. Be sure you empty the bottle every hour or so though. I've heard horror stories about shrimp dying in the bottle if left too long due to suffocation.
  5. As for collecting babies, you'll just have to give your arm muscles a work out.
  6. On the other hand, you may have some borrowed time. I've had tanks leak at the top seam before, and lower down it was fine. It sounds as if this could be the case since the puddle has dried up.
  7. Yes and no. For multiple years I had heaters in the tanks and kept the tanks a constant temperature. The light was controlled as well. A couple years ago I removed the heaters and lights come on randomly. Both yielded the same result of the neos taking time off during the winter.
  8. Anyone know if Astax messes up coloration in TT or Aura?
  9. Keep in mind, I have no proof- just a theory. heh
  10. My neos got the memo and take it seriously every year.
  11. Keep in mind tap varies from place to place, so your tap may not be the same.
  12. Great to have you here! I was looking into your L'Bee not too long ago for my cards!
  13. Several of us have had and bred them. I'm in love with their bright orange color. I'm actually attempting to breed for the boldest orange I can get.
  14. Shrimpinista, I forgot about that post! Now that I need food, I may very well try that!
  15. Are you planning on making any without astaxanthin and carotenes?
  16. Also,moving from one environment to another can stress them and cause the berries to stop for awhile.
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