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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Yellows can be one of the most sensitive neos, depending on your strain. Are you using ro? The reason why I ask, is that here in the US it is the season for tap water to put in all kinds of chemicals such as chlorimines, etc. I don't know how the rest of the world tap works.
  2. This may help? http://www.planetinverts.com/Procambarus%20vasquezae.html http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/threads/rare-dwarf-crayfish.270909/
  3. If I remember correctly there's also a fish that looks like SAE, but is not and won't touch the stuff... hold on... http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/saes.htm
  4. "Dream blue shrimp 6, plus sakura red ...berried" Are you keeping them in the same tank?
  5. Are they juvies or adults? Until they reach adult size, it is very hard to know.
  6. I'm on my cell, so color may not be accurate. They look yellow to me, but as a side note- yellows do not start out orange. They start clear and gradually get more yellow.
  7. Will be interesting to see the F1 result.
  8. They have larger ones if my memory serves correctly. I don't think the H2O2 would effect the ben. bact. since it is such a small amount at any given time. (?)
  9. Looking good! I've used great stuff quite a bit in theatre.Don't be surprised if the gooey sections expand a bit more while curing. And YES to gloves!!! Lol Would brown silicone be better?
  10. I was thinking the same thing, Sarah.
  11. Corbie is correct. The blue/gray only comes from a clear shell with dark body. As the shell ages it gains more calcium and turns white. The effect is like looking through frosted glass at something. If the shell were clear with a red/pink body, the shell appears pink.
  12. How cool to meet other shrimpers in person!
  13. Howdy OEM. My kids have aspergers, my wife is a parapro for special ed at a local HS. On to your interest in shrimp. heh Tanks can be as bare or elaborate as you would like. Many people just do tanks with substrate, a sponge filter and some moss and the shrimp do fine.
  14. Neos try to blend in with their surroundings. Black substrate causes darker color, while white causes them to try to be lighter.
  15. 10 is not that bad for neos. I keep between 6-9 myself. However, having said that, if the neo strain you have has been brought up in low gh, they may not be used to the higher gh, and have trouble molting.
  16. Love your idea of the direction to breed! What's a diamond eye?
  17. You may have mentioned this already, but what is your gh?
  18. I had both. The leopard spots can be bred for or bred out. Sometimes you'll see a seller advertising leopard ramshorns, which I find very misleading since as they grow older the shell become more opaque and often you won't see the spotting.
  19. OKay, here's my opinion. For years we were on the roll of using canisters and any other filtration we could to over filter the tanks and have as pure water as possible. The result? Shrimp that became over sensitive, and would die extremely easily if not kept in sterile conditions. In my opinion, using a sponge filter/HMF is just fine and will increase the hardiness of shrimp for more enjoyable keeping from hobbyists.
  20. hmmmm...I think I'll start a poll. That'll make it easier for me to see people's choices.
  21. Sounds like it would be okay for cards, however I'd personally keep that away from neos.
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