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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Welcome! Glad to have you join us.
  2. Poopians provided a link above your post that explains the idea of twinstar. Basically it is supposed to stop green algae and promote healthier shrimp. People overseas use it, but think of it as another expensive toy that you can play with if you have some extra money. It is by no means a necessity if you don't.
  3. Someone who has the reputation of being honest and having good customer service often gains the loyalty of clientele.
  4. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser does wonders.
  5. On another note, this is a great opportunity to get auras! From what I'm hearing, they are rapidly becoming/or ARE considered extinct now in the wild. The more hobbyists we have breeding these, the more assured they will continue- at least in captivity. The more people in the US who have them, the less we have to import them, and the more adapted they are to our params since babies.
  6. Louie, I saw them and wondered the same thing. I especially like the oreo striped patternless fat tail.
  7. That's awesome! Where do you live?
  8. Start a journal! I want to follow along...and maybe be your first buyer! :D
  9. I used to breed mysteries. May again, who knows? The challenge is raising 200-300 babies and people only wanting to buy 6 or less. For most hobbyists, it's just not worth it.
  10. Yeah, I'm not finding any forums I want to join with the leos yet....
  11. Daneland, if it's any help- when I first started neos I used tap too. I couldn't figure out why I was losing shrimp. Then I did ro + remin and miraculously they were surviving. Some people have perfect water from the tap. Although my params read fine, I did not. One of the many things I learned along the way.
  12. General rule of thumb shrimpers usually use is ottos are the only fish shrimp safe. Shrimp may be bigger than tetras for instance, but it won't stop tetras from biting off body parts or harassing shrimp to death.
  13. Mayphly is also good, as well as Poopians.
  14. Fishcrazy, those stripes rock! Are you making a strain of stripes?
  15. Lol Nope, but would be nice to play with Dom and rec genetics as an additional hobby.
  16. Is anyone able to recommend a forum for leopard geckos?
  17. How long as your tank been set up before adding shrimp? How did you acclimate your shrimp, and how long have you had them? What is your gh? Tap or ro?
  18. Sarah, I do the same thing. Old school way was to leave algae on the glass so the babies could eat the food it produces. Now the knowledge of biofilm has come to the forefront and I'm wondering how important glass algae really is?
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