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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Does anyone notice any significant increased baby survival with one over the other?
  2. Intensity of blue also depends on lighting. For me, they were more gray.
  3. Nits zoom up according to poopians calcs when using the suggested dosage. That's why some people, like me, have cut back on dosing to the skewer.
  4. Some posts have been moved here to help keep this a buying thread.
  5. Yepper. I used to breed ramshorns for fun. Shell and foot color seems to be separate. Here's what I found when combined. yellow shell/red foot = red ramshorn yellow shell/brown foot = brown ramshorn clear/red foot/pink foot= Pink Ramshorn clear shell/brown foot= "blue" ramshorn. All these can have leopard spots as well. Clear shells turn whitish with build up of calcium as they get older.
  6. Deta, for the purposes of this thread- anything goes. Have you made your own strain, or managed to make better something that exists? If you've re-created your own TBs or other shrimp, let's hear about it! If you've created a new purple caridina strain or working on a line, lets hear about it. Heck, even as an example- if you started with a low grade cherry shrimp, and now have worked your breeding program up to painted- let's hear about that too! I'd like for this thread to inspire others!
  7. Thanks. I've been thinking about this quite a bit, and maybe the two have a grain of commonality after all... If bp x sb = selective wp, then it may be the same as what the chart is trying to say. You still have the f1, f2 whatever and as long as you don't selectively breed for clear, you should be able to maintain the shiny and white characteristics of white pearl. I think I see a breeding project in my future.
  8. Coincidence in whatever is happening to your shrimp right now has nothing to do with the thudding.
  9. If all they did was make noises on the cabinet, then IMO what you are noticing right now is coincidence.
  10. "their offspring were an interesting really deep red, like wine reds" Oh! pics!
  11. Wouldn't pants be more appropriate? *ducks and runs away*
  12. Has anyone here developed their own strain, or improved on one? I'd love to hear about it!
  13. I wish shrimping was easier to find information. *sigh*
  14. The crater there is made with my thumb. Nothing stuck to my thumb though.
  15. Finding anything written on the differences is extremely difficult, and almost always in another language. Check out what I just found, which I translated via google. http://www.les-crevettes.com/especes.html So although this sounds different from what I heard, it still is a confirmation that there is a difference.
  16. I wish I did. I guess a starting question is- is your white glossy?
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