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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Well, I guess you have at least 2 ways to try now.
  2. LOL Jynn is right, of course. Which do you like better?
  3. Welcome! Deta is correct. The folks on this forum are hobbyists and mostly sell from their own tanks. So they know the shrimp backgrounds, want the best for their own shrimp, so will pass those onto you. Prices vary, so be sure to look at that and their feedback. A Vlog sounds like a neat idea!
  4. As far as the cholla, you can tie, stuff, use a net, or use superglue.
  5. I was just talking about this with someone else. Yes, neos mostly have the import problems-but not because of their health, rather because they are not as expensive as cards- so grown in outdoor ponds that aren't kept up as nicely as tanks with more expensive cards. Most of the issues come from unclean water. As far as quarantine, an importer I know used to keep imported shrimp from 2-4 weeks in isolation tanks before selling them. In this way, any ammonia victims, early stress deaths or diseases/illnesses would show up during this time after they are comfortable. Then he would treat as needed, make sure they were healthy and then sell. I would imagine each batch that sold out, he would restart his near bare tanks.
  6. Thanks folks. Just for clarification, this problem looks like white spikes on the head, and luckily not green underneath. I don't want to unintentionally mislead anyone.
  7. svet, if it works, at least we all may have another med in our arsenal. If it doesn't, or has bad results, we all know not to use it. Dlux, if it was only one, I may have done the salt dip. It's pretty darn effective. However when I saw more than one, I figured I'd better do the tank for better or for worse.
  8. Well, it was bound to happen some time or other. After ordering some yellow shrimp from an importer, it took about a week for me to see they have scutariella. ...and of course dumb me didn't quarantine them first... I have babies running around the tank, and previous sunshine project shrimp in there, but to take out and treat only the ones I see is just asking for trouble. I'm going to guess this has infected my entire tank. On the flipside, I'm going to try a new treatment I've read about, but never seen anyone here do. I just bought this: It contains Praziquantel which should be harmless to inverts, but do the job on the rostrum worms. It should be in next week, and I'll keep everyone informed of this "new" treatment and what happens to my tank if interested...
  9. Yepper. Han would have no probs sending to Oz. http://www.hanaquatics.com/ss-filter-guard/ Han's member name here is H4N As far as a thread, he may be able to do that- or he may be able to make something that you can just slip on your existing screen. He's pretty ingenious with that stuff.
  10. Ah! I see. Another example of phenotypically similer, but different genotype. Thanks, Deta!
  11. Ghost Bees are also known as Crystal Whites, right? Is this what was originally referred to as the White King Kong shrimp several years ago? (I think by Silane)
  12. A huge number of crabs sold are wild caught. That's why if one is serious about pets, we try to find home breeders. The exception is adding genes to your colony or breeding to find a new mutation. heh -or- if breeding is rare
  13. yeah. I've been reading you definitely want home bred because of the rate of deaths from imported.
  14. Han's SS filters are definitely the way to go. I LOVE DIY stuff! This looks awesome! I also like how you just casually mention, I needed such and such, so I just 3D printed them out. LOL
  15. You are very welcome! As an alternative, if someone has something already cut from plumbing pvc, they have sleeves that fit over the pipe to give the appearance of a color as well. Slip the PipeSleeve over the pipe, then apply heat with a heat gun until completely shrunk. Cut away the excess and assemble. Pro: It's cheaper. Con: It's not a color molded throughout, and not available for connections. http://www.formufit.com/pipesleeves/
  16. Place the bag in a container. Cut under the knot horizontally most of the way through, but leave the "handle" to hold onto. Cut the side straight down.
  17. LOL Some people prefer Kordon and others prefer Long Life. Depends on preference really. I prefer Kordon, but that's because they were the originators and I still have trust in them. LL is a cheaper alternative.
  18. I think DETAquarium has some experience with them. (?) You may want to pm him if he doesn't see the post here. I've never bought from them.
  19. Shrimple, mood moss would be great if I had low humidity. However since I have to have high humidity, it's not for this particular environment. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  20. I'm still learning too, Duff. For the red devil crabs I read about a technique that goes in order: leaf litter jungle litter substrate layer of fine mesh (the stuff you place down in your garden to keep weeds from growing) egg crate
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