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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. So I'm thinking I better get rid of the columns so the riccia doesn't dry out so close to the light. And add a water spot. Something like this:
  2. I'm currently looking at riccia fluitans. I like how the branches don't get as tall as hair grass. I may use that instead! Thank you Shrimple.
  3. I'm thinking about doing some vivarium scaping with it if it grows relatively fast. Does anyone know how tall it grows?
  4. Monty, you said the babies are identical to the adults. Do you mean in coloration the baby looks like the adult, or do they have their own colors pop up?
  5. You don't want the membrane to dry out, if I remember correctly. I always leave mine connected.
  6. Anyone have experience with Riccia Fluitans grown emersed? How tall does it get, how fast does it spread?
  7. I don't. You'll have to ask Taylor that. I know the same farm hull is bought for mixing into koi feed as well.
  8. I received my package of Upstate Blizzard from Taylor's Aquatics today. Some things I noticed: The blizzard has smaller chunks of soy hull instead of the big flake. It's nice to see them grab and eat, instead of wrestling with a larger chunk. The pellet size is smaller. While I can break the other snow into smaller portions, it's kinda nice not to have to do too much of that. It's American made and from a hobbyist. I like I can support both of these. It's organic. Another nice pro. Anyway, my two cents for what it's worth.
  9. How much do y'all love me? LOL I remembered a book I had read years ago on making furniture from pvc. Turns out special parts from pvc are made for furniture that are not available in hardware stores. So I thought, hey- why don't I see if I can find some online? That may help some of our Shrimp Spot family for special builds. So I found a place....and they had the unusual pvc parts....and they have them in colors as well! Do you need an elbow molded throughout in green? Clear? Black for a rack, or a variety of other colors for a relatively cheap price? Heck, they even have a library of pvc furniture plans people have made for free! Maybe we may be able to bastardize some for our needs? Anyway, here's the link to the pvc- aka legos for adults. LOL http://www.formufit.com/
  10. I notice the pipe is brown. Is it pvc sprayed, or copper?
  11. Even if it really is 3, it's still nothing to be upset about.
  12. I guess it would depend on the moss? I know some mosses grip really well to surfaces.
  13. That's good to hear, F. I've read horror reviews about the monsoon starting and not turning off, causing flooding.
  14. They are pretty new, and still a bit rare. Very little info on them as a hobby, and as far as I know, no one has written about breeding them yet. Be the first!
  15. I suppose you could. heh It certainly would do the plants no harm, and would gas off the animals. I'm not sure it would hurt eggs?
  16. You can do the same with pure seltzer water.
  17. I'm sure someone will chime in on dips such as permanganate, but it seems to me even after a dip, a quarantine tank may suit you to make sure of no eggs before moving them to their permanent residence.
  18. I know almost nothing about plants, Shrimple. Which plant is hard and which is easy is not in my knowledge. heh I'll look up some liverworts and see what I find. Thanks for the tip!
  19. Wow! Hey folks, this is the cheapest I've seen these sell. If you were looking before, now is your time to get them!
  20. I just traded Grant some shrimp for a repti fogger. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I couldn't beat the trade.
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