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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Had a meet yesterday. Ugh. What chaos. We left around 6pm Fri to get to the hotel because the meet was Sat morning. We arrived, but didn't realize we booked a Motel. I'm not super fond of motels,as hotel are generally the same price and a little cleaner and better upkept. Anyway, got there about 10pm with the 1 hour time change due to location. Ordered a pizza, and shortly after eating, I started emptying the contents of my tummy. What I thought was just too greasy pizza, wound up to be a short lived flu bug. My wife had to do Nadia's hair bun for the meet. It's usually me. We do the bun the night before so the wet hair has time to dry. She finished at 1am, I was up and down all night due to both ends emptying on me. We woke at 6am (5am my time), which meant she had little sleep, and I had about 1.5 hrs sleep total. We checked out, headed to the gym where this was taking place- and lo and behold a train was dead on the tracks. After some guessing at turns to go around the train, and a whole lot of me cussing in the car, we arrived at the place just in time. I dropped off my wife and daughter, and my older son and I found a place to park waaaaay away because all parking spaces were taken. Thankfully, one of the moms of our team rushed Nadia back, while my son and I walked in. So, it started out nice. The athletes mixed up with each other and did the run around the arena, and then separated into their teams for their march. The sport began. I frequently had to close my eyes for a few moments because the over sensory information made my head spin, and I was nauseous, but I wasn't missing my daughter's meet. heh She lined up for beam with her team, and we waited while two other teams took their turns. Once of the coaches flagged us down. My 7 yr old Nadia had to go to the bathroom. Turns out, she had not gone at the motel and I was in no shape to argue with her. So now, my wife took her. She made it back on time before the team started. *Whew.* Nadia was last on the beam because she had the highest score on the beam from our team last meet. She mounted and did her first skill. It was looking good. It was at that time her coach said something that Nadia didn't quite hear, so she turned her head and said "What?" Instant sudden gust of gravity. She fell off the beam. Ugh. She mounted quickly, but she was so shaken, she was checking herself constantly until dismount. Worst score this season for her. She got through floor next, and got over both times on vault. Bars gave me a heart attack since she almost went over the lower bar on dismount... but she managed to go under instead. *whew* All in all, not Nadia's best meet, but we all have an off day now and then. It didn't help that the judges were much harder this time. But, that's the way the ball bounces. Some more lenient, some harder. Scores: Beam 8.4 Bars 8.65 Beam 7.6 Floor 8.4 AA 33.05 No medals for her this meet, however I asked her if she had fun. She said, "Yes." And that's what it's all about.
  2. In the starting phases for a vampire crab setup. I'm looking for a cheap misting system on a timer, and not a fogger. I checked out exo terra monsoon, but it seems to have some very bad complaints against it. Plus, it is a little on the expensive side for my wallet. Any experiences or suggestions?
  3. What is the smallest Eleocharis sp.? Is it the Eleocharis sp. "Mini"?
  4. Too tall. I'm now thinking of a dwarf hair grass species if I can get it to slump over.
  5. Oh! Lookie! Supposedly this is dwarf hairgrass! http://www.substratesource.com/?p=item&a=149&c=p&i=176 This is much more what I am looking for!
  6. If the grass fell over, it would be good. But the grass when emersed grows upward.
  7. I've been reading the same, jled. I wonder if hair algae can be grown emersed? It would give that shaggy look...
  8. Cool. Yeah, I plan on a monsoon feature on a timer to keep everything wet.
  9. This shaggy kind of look is what I'm going for. I just don't see hc or baby tears having this look. Would java grown emersed or some other aquatic moss grown emersed do this? Thoughts? Live sphagnum moss, perhaps?
  10. So HC or baby tears was suggested, but I really like the shaggy ground cover look. I'm wondering if aquatic moss grown emersed could have this kind of look?
  11. Glad we could band together to help ya out.
  12. Omniapro breaks down pretty fast- especially with shrimp tearing into it. LOL
  13. Auras can have a racing stripe on the back like neos?
  14. Ranina ranina- the spanner crab! Someone hand Fiishman a cigar!
  15. "My aura blue tigers look so different in high ph." I don't see them in the pics?
  16. Do you know the type of grouper, or where it was caught?
  17. When you do find out what it is, please tell us, so we can all learn!
  18. The Kiwaidae family (yeti crab, etc.) that is closely related Family recognized by Paleobiology Database: Eucarya Woese et al. 1990 + Opisthokonta Cavalier-Smith 1987 + Metazoa Haeckel 1874 + Eumetazoa Butchili 1910 + Triploblastica Lankester 1877 + Bilateria + Eubilateria Ax 1987 + Protostomia Grobben, 1908 + Ecdysozoa + Panarthropoda + Arthropoda Latreille, 1829 + Mandibulata + Pancrustacea + Crustacea Brünnich 1772 + Malacostraca Latreille, 1802 + Eucarida Calman, 1904 + Decapoda Latreille, 1802 + Anomura Milne-Edwards 1832 + Kiwaoidea Mac Pherson et al. 2005 +Kiwaidae Mac Pherson et al. 2005
  19. Definitely look into the Galatheoidea family.
  20. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-06/p-fso061815.php
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