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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Okay, so let's help try to figure this out. Shrimping is a huge learning curve. When I first started I lost 9 tanks of shrimp. Just keep at it. It's very rewarding. You mentioned two 30% wc with ro. If the ro was not remineralized that would drop your gh pretty fast. Are you using co2? ferts?
  2. Sarah, I just came back to the thread after reading the other post. SOT wrote "all are young tanks (less than a month old)." New Tank syndrome crossed my mind as well.
  3. Do you know your ph? Did you airline siphon the new water in? What are you remineralizing your ro to,or are you using tap?
  4. What is cos? CRS perhaps? What ph is this neo/card tank? You are pretty gutsy to have a 3.5g with 4 black belly pintos and 1 zebra pinto! heh I personally wouldn't try anything less than a 20L or tenner. Welcome!
  5. Have you tried floaters to get it under control for now? Frogbit, hornwort, guppy grass, duckweed, etc?
  6. This may help you josu2 http://www.crusta-fauna.org/shrimp-index/euryrhynchus-amazoniensis/
  7. yeah, I just use the end of a bamboo skewer, wet it, dip it in the powder and put in the tank. anyway, glad we could help ya Lyana!
  8. You have that, and then you have sellers that think a shrimp may sell better if they rename them something else.
  9. Awesome shrimp to read about. Thank you soooo much for putting all this information together and sharing it with us. So, in your opinion, these shrimp would be able to live in pure ro without remin?
  10. As in caridina. I know the shrimp one was developed specifically for shrimp, although there doesn't seem to be any harm in using the cichlid stuff.
  11. As far as I know, blue dream velvet is a made up name and not a real strain.
  12. My understanding is that it is pretty common in Asia to use African Cichlid conditioner for cards.
  13. LOL I think you mean it is best to be paid via "goods."
  14. yepper. Harmless. One of the things we see with shrimp tanks. Fish eat 'em, so you don't see them in those tanks.
  15. Let's hope there won't have to be a next time.
  16. Poopians, they must have. From their site: "Examples of transactions not covered: Send Money transactions to friends or family"
  17. We like to keep everyone in the loop as much as possible. As we've gotten more members, we've added a few more marketplace rules to protect buyers and sellers. Everyone has been pretty responsible on how the market is used thus far, and we really don't see it affecting any current threads. In your leisure, please familiarize yourself with Oblongshrimp's updated post here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/4-marketplace-rules/#entry4 Thank you for being part of our Shrimp Spot family.
  18. Hi Lyana. I have some pure fenben you can use, but it is dosed differently than panacur. If you want some, just give me your addy over pm. I'll send it free.
  19. Below are the Marketplace rules. These rules are subject to change at anytime and will change as the forum grows and develops. As in all online sales, LET THE BUYER BEWARE! The administrator and his moderators maintain no responsibility for any of the transactions that occur in the Marketplace, with the exception of transactions we participate in personally. Please remember that all sales must be done through the Marketplace or Sponsor section. Please remember to set a price in for your item(s.) Please post in the Marketplace only for yourself, and not someone else. Most sellers/buyers prefer to use paypal. Through paypal you have the option to send money for goods or as a gift. Please be aware when you send money through Paypal as a gift, you are giving up any rights to reclaim your money if a deal should not go as planned. Paypal will not allow you to file any sort of claim against a gift payment. Please don't link to your item running at an auction site. The marketplace was created for members to sell/buy from here. If you have a problem with your transaction and it is not resolved, members are able to alert the forum membership about their personal transactions by leaving feedback on the transaction. If you had great experiences with the seller/product you bought, members are able to write their praise by leaving feedback on the transaction. Please don't post ads for things that are illegal or offer to ship to other countries unless you are doing it correctly and have the necessary paperwork and licenses. Know the laws regarding import/export and make sure you are following them. Lastly, at this time there is no current minimum posts requirement for posting here or restrictions on commercial sellers. I just ask that you participate in the forum and help create an active community. Thank you for being part of our forum.
  20. Some lines of chocolates throw blues every once in a while.
  21. Well, pfr or BM, it sure looks like you did a nice job with your breeding!
  22. Dried foods last very very very long times. heh
  23. I use it anyway. Shrimp are made to eat things from the bottom of rivers, etc. I don't even give it a second thought. According to law, "All companies that produce consumables must, by federal law, have an expiration date on it." Even bottled water has an expiration date on it. LOL
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