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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. That's what it sounds like, Poke. I'm trying the food out myself to how it differs or not.
  2. Sorry Wygglz, didn't mean to hijack your selling thread.
  3. BM are supposed to be see through, no? What I'm seeing in your post on the shrimp you kept are pfr. I believe they are also supposed to have red tissue, although there's been some debate on that.
  4. Poopians is right on about color. No one really seems to know what triggers the color changes. Mine tend to run up to each other , wave arms, and run away again. There is the occasional skirmish. I've not tried keeping them with shrimp, although they are just a tad larger than adult neos when full grown, and shrimp are faster. Not as aggressive as CPOs. I still think dims are awesome. They are the smallest crays I've found, and many can be kept in a tenner.
  5. Resurrecting this thread. Just saw these for $15 ea. Sure are pretty...
  6. Someone else mentioned that to me as well... Unfortunately I'm just clean up, and Oblongshrimp is on the tech end.
  7. I can when I have my browser translate it. LOL https://translate.google.com/
  8. Interested in knowing if anyone else is having this problem, too. I've let the admin know. Perhaps he can find an answer.
  9. Here's a place I've found that carries the L'Bee products: http://www.shrimp-mania.fr/11-aliments-complets
  10. Differing views on vacuuming. Vacuuming can raise a minicycle in teh tank that may be detrimental to the shrimp. It also can release gases under the substrate. Personally, I vacuum via an air tubing maybe once a year?
  11. Check out kingsnake.com for sellers of reptiles
  12. Cards, as far as I know, process astax differently. Safe for them.
  13. Yeah, they changed the recipie. I think tiny amounts may be okay, as long as not "pure" feedings of it?
  14. Ran across this and thought it may help some of you. It's supposed to be for washing your hands, but non-detrimental to livestock: http://www.reefsuds.com/
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