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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I bought this because I was going to try a vintage approach to keeping my crystal shrimp.


    When crystals were first kept and before all the fancy products used for remineralizing came out, African Cichlid Conditioner was used with great success.  I just wanted to try a successful vintage method for myself to connect with the past.  Sentimental, I suppose.


    This bumps up gh, but leaves TDS and ph alone.



    I have 2 (8 oz.) unopened bottles.  6.95 ea. plus USPS shipping of your choice.

    Heck, take 'em both for $10.

  2. I looked for a long time to get these.  When I was looking prices were too high or sold out. 


    More like clearing out for now. heh


    I thought I'd be good to return again, but still burned out.  Came back too soon.  I think I'll be concentrating on geckos for awhile.

  3. Taking a break from shrimping,so selling off things.


    Some cap fulls were used from this, so I'll sell it for half price.


    Blood Diamond adding minerals, Used weight 6 oz.


    blood diamond.jpg


    9.95 plus your choice of USPS shipping.

  4. Never opened Shrimp King Sulawesi Salt gh+/kh+ for Sulawesi shrimp.  200g


    Unlike Salty Shrimp, no undissolved powder left over and doesn't need heating or CO2 to dissolve.


    I imported only this one through customs for myself and it took awhile to get here.  Unlike me, you'll have it in 2-3 days, which is a lot sooner!!!



    $26 Includes priority shipping in the continental US!



  5. For sale is my Sonic shrimp project. 


    Originally these appeared in my random cull tank.  I started working then to breed a strain.  I've been working on these for 3 years or so, but they still need more work.  I still have the occasional light blue, and the occasional carbon looking splotch.  All babies from the adults in the recent culling have appeared dark blue.


    My personal belief is that these are new genetics, but I have no proof of this as I have not done any test crossings.


    I counted 7 adults when I glanced in.


    Asking 39.95 for the whole project.  Any babies I find I'll throw in free. 


    Priority shipping from me in the continental US runs $10.


  6. Okay, just letting off a little frustration here.


    I'm noticing a trend on facebook groups saying, "Look at my new shrimp strain I created." or something similar.  I've notice it mostly for neos. Probably because my first love is neos.


    For better or worse, here's my opinion.  It's just like food- you don't have to eat it. heh


    A sport (a genetic one off that doesn't breed genetic information) or a new mutation is an accident.  A happy/pretty accident, but an accident none the less.


    One can do a pet name for the shrimp, but there is no "strain" to name.  There also is no proof that the color will continue on.


    A strain is a group of shrimp that breed true a majority of the time.  This doesn't just happen.  It takes hard work to select and decide which shrimp to breed and cull.  It is not unusual for years of work to be involved.


    Watch out for anyone who says I've created a new color or new strain, if the shrimp is one of a few or only one.  Either they are ignorant what a strain is- or are deliberately misleading.


    An obvious example is if more than one type of neo are housed together in the picture.

  7. One of the neat things about gymnastics is you get to see old friends and former teammates when competing.  Here is Nadia in the pink, with a former teammate in the black.


    They may compete against each other and be part of different gyms now, but they are still friends.  They were both very happy to be able to catch up with each other after the meet!

    Nads horizon meet w Chey.jpg

  8. Nadia's first meet of the season was yesterday.  She came in 1st on Bars, 4th on Beam, and 5th in AA. :)


    Here are her score results:


    Vault: 7.9


    Bars: 8.95


    Beam: 8.65


    Floor: 7.15


    AA: 32.65


    Definitely much room for improvement on vault and floor.  However, she did the best she could on that given day, and that's all she can ever ask of herself. :)

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