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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sorry for the confusion. I don't have jades yet. Just my Nessies. They tend to get more and more color the older they get.
  2. Caridina cf. babaulti var. Indian White Backed, it looks like. Nice. I've never heard of a babaulti being crossed with caridina such as crs/cbs/TB. People have tried, but as far as I know- no one has succeeded.
  3. Mr. F, when you succeed, shrimpers over the world will rejoice your name! You can always call it (Your Name) Remedy. You'll go down in history!
  4. Hmmm. All my animals have to work for their keep. heh We'll see what happens.
  5. I'm not sure it would have worked well anyway to be honest. Pest snails and nerites have different food sources they prefer, although they will cross over into other foods. Rams are more omni than nerites for example.
  6. I guess we'll find out. I have 5 coming in and I'll be keeping them in a 10g as a moss clean up crew.
  7. Since Nerites eat algae, perhaps algae wafers?
  8. Not sure what the problem is then. Calcium (Ie. Tums) can be used to increase shell layering and strength. Challenge is since they don't molt like shrimp, the old shell is not repaired from the outside, but rather from the inside. The outside will look the same. Also, any new growth on the shell appears around the lip. So your new shell growth may be good after supplements.
  9. For sale 100ml Elevate Hair Algae Killer in bottle (was around 120ml, but I used around 15ml) Seems to do what it says, but I want to go for the natural approach and try using Amanos. Sells for $13 new. I received it less than a month ago. Asking $10 for the 4 oz bottle- the one to the right in elevate.com's picture above. You pay for USPS shipping of your choice. Can't be much more fair than that. Here's the description from Elevate's site: "This hair algae killer is shrimp and plant safe and has been tested here on freshwater neocaridina shrimp and also on our most sensitive caridina shrimp variety. This product will weaken all filament algae such as green hair algae & black beard algae (BBA) and possibly outright kill it through the dosing regimen. This product also has shown to significantly reduce the presence of green spot algaes. The recommended dosing regimen is 4mL per 10 gallons, weekly for 4 weeks." The description says you don't have to do a wc each week after using, however IMHO to be safe it would probably be a good idea.
  10. Not sure there is much of a difference since our shrimp was selectively bred from wild type. (?)
  11. It says it s supposed to enhance breeding. Interested in knowing if your shrimp like it, and if you have seen a difference in breeding?
  12. Will do for the lid. As for supplemental feeding, when I fed mine other food before- they stopped eating hair algae. They liked the supplemental better and had nothing to do with algae anymore. So now, it will be an algae diet unless I see something going wrong.
  13. That's great news! Thanks! I have a tank that is being redone, and they can have it for their home then. I throw out so much moss due to hair algae, etc that I'm trying something new. I'm receiving 5 amanos, giving them their own 10g tank, and going to move mosses back and forth to that tank when needed from other tanks. They can thrive by eating the algae, the moss can be saved, and I'm able to have a living ecosystem in place.
  14. Interested as well. I've been told it's very difficult to grow without a high tech set up.
  15. Anyone know if Amanos eat Black beard Algae?
  16. If I remember correctly, we have another betta breeder here too. Welcome! You said you have some fires and indians coming in. Watch out. You'll have multiple tanks syndrome like many of us!
  17. That's usually how my rams look before pitting begins in soft water. What's your gh?.
  18. Someone on another forum bred for that color. They came out quite orange and pretty. Only took a couple generations, too. She called hers Cheetos.
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