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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Been a while since we had this reminder put out there, but since this is winter.... I recently had an order of shrimp come in that looked dead. On their backs, legs up, water very very cold. From all outward appearances, they looked DOA. But, having had this happen before, I went to my old standby- and now all the shrimp "resurrected" and are doing fine. In case anyone needs the info, the steps to take are very simple. Take the bags out, and photograph the shrimp (send it to the seller) in case this doesn't work this time. Set the bags of DOA shrimp on your stand and forget about them for 24 hours. By doing this the water is able to very slowly warm up to room temperature. Examine the bags the next day and see if your shrimp rose from the dead since water is now at room temp. If so, drip acclimate as usual. So why can this happen? Shrimp have the physiology to slow down their body metabolism according to temperature. If the water is very cold, they may be comatose. Yes, they give the appearance of being dead. Cards can even appear orange, believe it or not! Why not add room temperature water into the bag immediately? Because the shock to the system may kill them! Think of coming inside from shoveling the snow. Even room temperature water run over your hands feels like extremely hot water. This is the same reason in the hospital they don't warm someone up instantly. You run the risk of cardiac arrest and death. So to everyone that may receive a bag of DOA shrimp in the winter- You may be correct! However instead of throwing out the shrimp immediately, give this technique a chance first. Even if it only works on a small percent of shipments, you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
  2. wow! They look like amel kingsnakes. Beautiful!
  3. The main thing I would get concerned about in any off-the-path place is crime.
  4. "You do get interesting colors and rili's if you put a few CRS/CBS together..." Huh? LOL My brain must not be working today. I don't get it. How can you get rilis from crs/cbs?
  5. Thank you for the clarification, PuffPuff. Thread cleaned up for now.
  6. I use this from Menards. $9 for 50 lbs Black diamond I've seen also used. A long time ago people were worried the edges were too sharp. Now we all realize shrimp can go over shards of broken glass and because they are so light, they won't get hurt.
  7. Beautiful isn't it? We'll be seeing more and more of the leucistic and piebalds. Laws say you can't hunt these, so what we are effectively doing is artificial selection and slowly culling the regular colored deer.
  8. We have other folks here from Oz as well! Perhaps you can hook up to trade/sell/buy some shrimp. Welcome!
  9. Perhaps it is better canned? http://www.oddee.com/item_96711.aspx
  10. Dark blue velvets seem more popular than the classic sky blue, but I think both are very pretty.
  11. Chris is a huge name in the shrimp and cray research field.
  12. I agree. I mean, I understand the risk. Look at the first two of the four walking sticks. They died. But it is only through risk that animals can be saved. The 2nd pair survived and reproduced. Even if the fem died, 30 eggs were still viable.
  13. I get some surprising stuff from my auto-correct, too! LOL Lately every time I type "the" it switches it to "TT"
  14. This isn't an aquatic story, but it does have to do with an invertebrate. On a remote island, the world's heaviest flightless insect was thought extinct since 1920. Then in 2001, a team of four scientists found the world's population of only 24 of them living on the island, up a cliff, on a single Melaleuca bush peeping out from a crack. They had been living/breeding on just this one scraggly bush for 80 years. This is a fascinating read on the trials and errors of using captive breeding to bring them back from the verge of extinction. http://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/02/24/147367644/six-legged-giant-finds-secret-hideaway-hides-for-80-years ---- Now if only we could convince govts to do this with underwater inverts in danger of extinction! Captive breeding from hobbyists may be the only hope left!
  15. We have now surpassed One Thousand Seven Hundred members here! To all our new members, Thank you for joining! We are very happy to have you here! To our members here who have been here for some time, Thank You for making this the best Shrimp forum around! The staff here works hard behind the scenes, and sometimes we make mistakes trying to do what we think is right at the time. We do our best, but it is YOU that make this forum a success! Let's face it, a forum is just data. Software. Computer bits. It is YOU that make this forum come alive, and we haven't forgotten that! Your generosity sharing information, your positive attitudes, your encouraging posts to one another, and your self policing makes this forum not only unique, but a joy to come to! Can you believe it's only been since around November 2013 that we started? Here's to another three years of passionate shrimp keeping! THANK YOU, Shrimp Spot! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
  16. Lol. Honestly, not sure how many people care, but it's nice to talk about my daughter's sport in a pleasant environment.
  17. On the rare occasion I've shipped plants, I've packed them insulated in my shrimp boxes.
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