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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Those look like guppy x endler. Pretty.
  2. They do grow back, although sometimes not as nice.
  3. I never remove it, and the shrimp eat as they like.
  4. I'm thinking tail rot. Melafix worked for me with my guppies.
  5. I found this: "With sensitive fish (such as Clown Loaches) it is imperative that you are careful with most ich treatments. Malachite Green is more dangerous to these fish, however if used in a buffered form such as ParaGuard or Medicated Wonder Shells it is less toxic. You may also use Triple Sulfa at the same time to further buffer the MG (I and many of my colleagues have used this method considerably for Clown Loaches, Elephant Nose, ect. with good results). Another VERY important aspect that is often forgotten is that Malachite Green is much more toxic at lower pH (especially on the acid side of the pH algorithm). Calcium is VERY important to buffer this as well (calcium also improves osmoregulation, see this article: http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/... ) Malachite Green is generally safe (long as it is zinc free) for shrimp, crabs, & snails. Be careful with Copper though You should not have any problems with your bio filtration as it would take massive doses of MG to affect the primarily gram positive nitrifying bacteria. Methylene Blue, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others that are primarily gram positive are more dangerous to your bio filter. " https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A0LEV7_psZZW7QgAXSonnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--?qid=20071007101126AAMrReE&p=%22malachite%20green%22%20shrimp%20safe%3F Unfortunately, my chemistry knowledge sucks, so someone else may have to help if you have questions regarding that.
  6. BTW, that is what B&K #3 recommends. I don't have first hand experience doing it. This person uses it for fish and it does not affect his shrimp: http://www.fishchannel.com/freshwater-aquariums/aquarium-care/ich-treatment.aspx Others say they think it would cause deaths. Hard too know what is hearsay and what is truth. As said, it's what B&K #3 recommends. That's all I know.
  7. Depending on the fit, you may also want to get teflon tape.
  8. Isolate it ASAP until you get that pic to show us. Get as close up as possible. If it is that dreaded green fungus (some think parasite), you have the option of treating your one shrimp and hoping for the best, or treating your entire tank as breeders overseas are now suggesting. If it does turn out to be Achlya or Saprolegnia, B&K #3 suggests treatment of malachite green oxalate.
  9. I have one too, and I like it very much. Not hard to install. I will say that if you have low water pressure, you will have more TDS in the end product. If you have normal water pressure, you are golden.
  10. As I tell my kids, wild animals can be trained, but still have wild instincts so you always have to be careful. Domesticated animals can be tamed. Sorry Jomes. heh Didn't mean to hijack.
  11. I agree. This kind of gesture brings good will for sure! Thank you!
  12. D'OH! Well, when are we going to have that kind of luck here? LOL
  13. Just some good natured teasing, shrimp lady. ;-)
  14. Beautiful! So glad to see a US strain of yellow caridina! Have you thought of a name for them? Not sure yellow kk applies since they may not have the same genetics.
  15. Louie, I'd love to see pics of them. How big do they get? Do starfish eat coral?
  16. I don't think I would discourage anyone from getting bigger tanks. Just be aware with bigger tanks comes bigger start up expenses.
  17. You won't regret it. Although I have a larger one, I love mine!
  18. Asterina starfish will, but I don't know about others.
  19. That's how I've gotten some of my favorite projects. :-)
  20. I don't put Culls that turn out nice back into my colony anymore. It's hard to tell how many generations removed it may be, and it is probably carrying a cull trait from at least one parent.
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