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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Guess I'm lucky at my office. They insist on scanning prepaid packages even.
  2. dao, you can also hit up H4N. He sells samples of foods, so you don't have to spend $$$ trying to find one they like.
  3. We have some members who have not ventured into getting shrimp yet, but enjoy the friendships here. We also have the fish section here, not to mention when you feel you want to sell some of your fish we have the market section here, too. Stick around, we're glad to have ya.
  4. I accidentally found in one of my neo tanks that wasn't breeding, that if I added snails they suddenly became berried. No idea why. Some say shrimp eat the slime trails, and the snail feces too. So it may actually be a small ecosystem in itself.
  5. What a cool device! (pH, ORP/conductivity and temperature meter)
  6. I'll be selling them again soon as the weather gets warmer and they start breeding again. I'm hoping Mr. F has some luck with his as well!
  7. Not sure if it is the same strain, but sure sounds similar.
  8. LOL Well, the background of both would be chocolate diamonds then.
  9. In the 2nd pic, she looks like she has pigment on the hood? If so, she may be carbon rili.
  10. I'm so in! Soybean itself is very nutritious. I imagine the hull is too, but have no proof of that. All I know is that even the babies love to feed off the fungus that grows on it, and that's good enough for me.
  11. They are a nice looking shrimp, too. :-)
  12. Great news blurb! Looks like the new selling name for chocolate diamonds may be five element shrimp.
  13. Thanks. ☺ I'd be super interested in following your work on your strain! Thought of a working name for them yet?
  14. I saw on a chart that the theory is green jades come from orange. I don't agree. I saw a picture from the original breeder once of the jade with blue shrimp and yellow shrimp in the background. If I were to guess, I think he spent a long time trying to create the mix to make jade. Although this would wind up in plenty of wilds, maybe one out of a zillion *may* at random chance combine the genes just right to display both yellow dots and blue dots to make a greenish. Selectively breeding those would give more chance at green, but would also explain why so many culls are thrown. An extremely high quality of jade shrimp is spectacular, but few and far in between. Look at the pic below and you can see the yellow specks, with what I consider to be a blue overlay: Green jelly is green tissued like a BV. The Nessie Strain I created have a dark green pigmentation without yellow pigment: And in Malaysia, there is a Lime Green neo that I haven't seen stateside:
  15. Those are beautiful! I was told recently on this forum that greens from oranges were called green jelly. Jades usually have some splotches of blue and yellow on them and have a high cull rate.
  16. Small is not made anymore to my knowledge. 7x14 I buy from MVP on AB. http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?disp&viewseller&Mvp
  17. How big is your tank, Mr F, and how often/% do you do wc? Temperature?
  18. Thanks for the tips and pics! I appreciate that folks. Keep 'em coming.
  19. You can always ask for a small item donation to be given. Usually a member steps up with something. All how you plan on going about doing it.
  20. But shrimp blood is clear... Look up Rust Spot Disease here: http://www.shrimpcorner.co.uk/blog/post/18-common-freshwater-shrimp-disease-treatments
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