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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Nadia had her Mock Meet yesterday eve.  Basically the first "meet" of the season to get back into the swing of competing again in front of real judges.  It's nice necause although there are no medals, she has a base of reference for herself this level.


    Level 3 is harder than L2, but she's doing her best.


    Her scores from this "meet" :


    Vault 8.1

    bars 8.35

    beam 8.05

    Floor 7.55

    AA 32.05


    So as said, now we know what we're starting at for her.


    Next meet (real) is at the end of Oct.



  2. I have some Malaysian Trumpet Snails for sale.  Their main use is to stir up the soil so gas pockets don't happen and oxygen/nourishment is available for plants.



    6.5ph and up is recommended.  I keep mine in cherry params.  Just like shrimp, please drip acclimate.


    Mine max out around 3/4", although I do have a couple around 1".


    (30) MTS 1/4" and up plus extras for $10

    (60) MTS 1/4" and up plus extras for $15

    Plus priority shipping.




  3. Welcome!  Think of breeding as a game.  The game with crs for quite a while was to have more and more white coverage since the wild type has hardly any.  That's also whythose with more white were more expensive.  More work, more time selective breeding.


    I tell anyone going into shrimp, don't worry about what the majority collect.  Fads come and go.  Instead, make your goal to have shrimp that you are attracted to and enjoy.

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