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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. My ads were on Amazon, and they would change the ad to say the shrimp was theirs, and give their contact info too. My UPC didn't mean squat. They would rewrite the text and keep my photos/UPC at the time. I contacted them several times, and they didn't care. Neither did Amazon. It was beyond frustrating. Haven't looked on Amazon for awhile now for shrimp, so don't know if they still are using my photos or not. Nothing I could do anyway, so I wrote off the incident. Don't know if it is the same people, but if it is as the posters here have said it is, I have no love for their selling tactics.
  2. InvertObsession is the biz that hijacked all my ads/photos of homebred shrimp on amazon to read the shrimp were coming from them instead. Happened multiple times, and Amazon refused to do anything about it- even after I paid for UPC codes. I eventually removed around 1000 of my ads because anybody could hijack my ads and make me look bad, and Amazon wouldn't do anything.
  3. Actually, count yourself lucky with your ghost shrimp. Many people have them die within a month after buying them. Now if you can only get their larva to survive.
  4. Yepper. Higher grade Sakura. The nice thing about your shrimp is they have potential to be painteds if you cull. The pigment is nice and thick.
  5. Hi shrimpster, TB basically produce other TB. You would wind up with any of several other types of color TB. Ie. KK, WR, BB, panda, etc I may be incorrect, but at this point in time there is no formula for hulk. Also many hulks turn black later on anyway.
  6. To be fair, when I was doing my yellow experiment, no shrimp died. Their color just turned streaky brown.
  7. Louie, I agree with old tanks. The purpose of tearing them down is to change the buffering substrate and avoid problems in their opinions.
  8. Not saying don't do it, heh, but be careful feeding sugary foods. It can cause bacterial blooms.
  9. Congrats to the winners! Thank you for the generous gifts! Take the raok and run to Han's!
  10. Please leave any arguments to pm each other with. Back to the thread. The green fungus has been known to be limited to one shrimp, or spread to an entire tank colony. We've had plenty of members who have had situations of both. And yes, if a seller is selling shrimp with that green illness, then by all means let the community know and we can make our own decisions to buy or not buy from the seller. Many times it comes in from imports. Current theory is that this is caused by dirty water. Bad behavior to me is a seller knowingly selling a shrimp that is infected to begin with. Breeders and Keepers #3 pages 50 and 51 does not name the "green" a protozoa, but rather a systematic exogenous mycosis fungal infection. Ie. Achlya or Saprolegnia. So, while you may be correct about protozoa, there are other possible explanations as well.
  11. Thank you 240ric. Cellphone makes it hard to see sometimes. I see karma came back to you! Congrats to the winnahs!
  12. 1. Vpier 2. Adrand 3. Shrimpworks 4. svetilda 5. Tyler44 6. Vshrimp 7. pokeshrimp 8. falcon 9. Epitaph 10. Mengyone 11. Shrimple 12. Jaykidding 13. Pescador 14. Hersheyb 15. d0pey 16. Slycat929 17. tienhuynh 18. Eloodaku 19. Rockadoodle 20. Soothing Shrimp Thank you!
  13. B&K recommends treating the tank with malachite green oxalate.
  14. I'm kind of getting lost in translation. You switched to ro since your TDS was high? If you don't remineralize the ro water, your shrimp will die.
  15. I hate when they do that and keep the name the same! (frustrated laugh) Thanks for the info, Han.
  16. Seems like a lot of steels are popping up lately...
  17. Thanks svetilda. At least that answers that question.
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