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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Good to hear from you again, my friend.
  2. Are you using a host for your pictures and providing a link, or are you uploading directly here?
  3. Yepper. Often we talk about neos producing wilds when crossed- which they do a majority of the time if the strains are not related. For simplicity, we recommend not to do it. However, the reality is if you know where the strains come from, some crossing can be done without producing many if any wilds. True Blue Diamond and True Blood Mary both come from the Chocolate Diamond line. This line throws BD, BM, Black Rose and others. The colors were separated and bred too breed a higher percentage of that specific color. Still a lot of culls, but nonetheless, a higher percentage. By mixing these two together, all you are doing is mixing the modifiers again and creating the Chocolate Diamond strain again. I don't really recommend it, because then you are wasting all the time and effort that has been put into these lines, but having said that- it can be done. Just be aware you won't be getting high percentages of either BM or BD again. Also be aware, many sellers are selling fire reds as BM now, and other blues as BD now. If this is the case of yours, when crossing it will yield wilds.
  4. Shrimp Lady, to avoid misrepresentation, we ask only for members to post ads. Thank you for asking.
  5. They look like the wild coloration of neos. Most people cull these, but they have a beauty in their own right. Don't mix with RCS or you'll wind up with all wilds eventually.
  6. YAY! Let's hope that one red stripe is a fem to mate back with P1!
  7. There's also some charts here for ya: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/4949-grading-charts/
  8. This may help with black/blue tiger grading for ya. It's off the net now, so I had to use the internet archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20141015120418/http://garnelenbox.de/tiere/schwarze-tiger-grades.html The 2nd looks like low grade blue steel because of the small blue areas along the tail.
  9. That's one reason I like CSF so much. As you know, neos are my main focus, so I try to avoid certain additives that mess up color. Because everything is listed, I know exactly what is in the food.
  10. Mine is at 80F, but people have had no problem in the low 70's, too at basically cherry params.
  11. Anyone have any experience with CSF Mineral Sticks?
  12. Yeah, I figure that too. And it takes time to get past customs... Regardless, I figure if I can buy a smaller quantity, it will help me last.
  13. Went to the Pineapple Classic Gymnastics Meet on Friday. Nadia was in competition again. Her teammate Isla broke her foot, unfortunately, the day before by doing a round off. But she was there with warm ups on (and a cast) cheering her team on. Here's Nadia's scores: Vault... 7.925 Bars.... 8.3 Beam.. 8.975 Floor.... 8.358 The bars were a roller coaster ride. heh She managed to stop and balance on top after her cut through. She had been having problems with that this year, and we breathed a sigh of relief because we thought she was home free. Then she went over the low bar twice instead of the under bar pike dismount. Each time was .5 deduction. She's never made that mistake before, and it cost her. She would have gotten 9.3 otherwise. The coach talked to us afterwards and said he may give her an optional dismount with a higher level of difficulty. I hope he does. It would continue to raise her all around score. The vault had me a bit concerned. The mat she had to flip onto was over twice as high as she was used to working with because they had higher levels there as well. It came up to her shoulder. The gym team was very unsure if they could do it...until the coach had the brainstorm to tell them if they did it successfully they would get candy. There was no looking back after that! LOL She won 3rd on beam!!! Yay!!!! She has the medal to prove it! LOL Kinda cool medal too. Custom made and looks like a pineapple. So she pretty much met or exceeded all her previous scores! It was a very good meet for her. A nice Christmas and Birthday gift to do so well. She walked away with 2 medals, and next meet is in January. Again, my heartfelt thanks for giving encouragement and support to Nadia! Each meet she asks me, "Did you tell the forum I'm going to the meet yet?" "Are they following along?" It really means "the world" to her knowing that people all over the world are cheering for her! Happy Holidays everybody!
  14. Looks like the usual sources are sold out. Going to have to buy some more omnia pro in the next month or so. Anyone know where omnia pro is in stock? How about 1kg size?
  15. Just a quick word of warning that too much spinach fed to yellow neos will make them change to ugly colors. Did that way back when. I do not advise it. heh
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