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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Archie, this is very generous. Thank you! 1.Poopians 2. Adrand 3. DemonUnleashed 4. Pokeshrimp 5. jem_xxiii 6. kikojaharo 7. mjb1959 8. 240ric 9. NWroostin 10. Jaykidding 11. Amanda Panda 12. Lyana 13. Wygglz 14. NeMox69x 15. Vshrimp 16. Shrimple Minded 17. mbenjamin16 18. Fishprinceofca 19. _ontherocks 20. svetilda 21. vpier 22. Pescador 23. Shrimp lady 24. Dr0p 25. d0pey 26. MHSY 27. dazalea 28. Big blue frog 29. sincitybet 30. Sandovalsbco 31. mayphly 32. Greenteam 33. Eloodaku 34. Slycat929 35. Elle23 36. tienhuynh 37. UniversityStudent 38. Airriick 39. Steve R. 40. Tyler44 41. nightshadebel 42. Sarah 43. ANBU 44. 35ppt 45. Loumeer 46. Soothing Shrimp
  2. LOL Still not very good at them yet, but learning...
  3. When they are near juvies, just feed a pellet. They'll come out, then scoop.
  4. Wait until you are in the hobby seriously and you'll find news, too.
  5. I'll try to get some more today. My picture taking isn't very good unfortunately, and because my kids lost my camera I only have my phone to take pics with.
  6. Don't use remin ro to top off. Only pure ro. As the water evaporates, the minerals are left behind.
  7. This may help?http://shrimpstate.com/classification-of-pinto/
  8. Is the only phenotype difference between hooded pinto and steel, is that steel has solid head and pinto has spotted?
  9. I hear ya. I feel the same way with my cards. I have Bee Grow I bought some time ago. It may last me another year. Heh. Doesn't make faster growth that I can tell, but again- the shrimp like it. Maybe a protein pellet food would work for faster growth?
  10. I have to agree with Jaden, but I only feed 3x a week as well. On the flipside, my shrimp seem to enjoy it so that's a plus.
  11. Sounds like a plan, duff. I'm not nearly as successful with cards yet as I am with neos though.
  12. I know several people say not to use fish chemicals to lower ph in water, but does anyone know why?
  13. I bought this as a low quality BB. You can't see the blue much in this photo, but it has subtle blue around the head. However it's unlike any BB I've seen. It has a black splotch on both sides. Is this a var of BB,or a different var?
  14. Lookin' good! What are the clear plastic pieces?
  15. Man. That's painful! If only you weren't in Canada! Thanks for the eye candy!
  16. In addition then, bacteria from each colony could have been detrimental to both shrimp.
  17. Over the past two years or so I've just started keeping cards. If this helps any, lots of big breeders in Asia will tear down their tanks every 6 months and set up again... sounds expensive to me...
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