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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I appreciate your insight from your experience, Monty. Thank you.
  2. I used to calibrate with RO, but had the same problem...
  3. Yep, indoor. Two rooms. So far she is healthy. Has a cough, but doesn't seem to bother her too much. I'm not looking forward to the 3 hour drive. *sigh*
  4. Yep. Maybe I'll see ya there. Welcome!
  5. I respect Jay, however my opinion differs because I have seen planaria take down one of my adult prized shrimp years ago. Panacur will rid you of them. Remove any snails you want to keep. Someone is able to chime in on dosing, I'm sure.
  6. Nadia has a HUGE meet coming up in Indiana on Sat. She probably won't place at all, but should be a good experience for her. I think so far 1,400 gymnasts have signed up for the Hoosier Cup at the state fairgrounds. :-o
  7. yeah, caridina require different parameters than neos. That's another reason why so many people do RO. In the future though if you only have a tank or two, you can buy ro or distilled water in bottles from the store, and use a remineralizer.
  8. Unbelievable RAOK! Thank You! 1. Vpier 2. Glasshalffull 3. Lyan 4. Shrimp lady 5. Sincitybet 6. Loumeer 7. Pokeshrimp 8. Shrimple Minded 9.pescador 10. NeMox69X 11. d0pey 12. Kikojaharo 13. shouu 14.ANBU 15. Thekonexperiment 16. Nick_R 17. Vshrimp 18. jimko 19. stangmus 20. Mengyone 21. GBR 22. Pmoua 23. Greenteam 24. ShrimpNoob 25. Dcw 26. lloyd wang 27. Epitaph 28. svetilda 29. tienhuynh 30. Sandovalsbco 31. Duff0712 32. Airriick 33. Mlsthuy1 34. _ontherocks 35. Soothing Shrimp
  9. Super Red is usually a crs bred for red coverage, however I saw on fb a hobbyist created a very nice strain of fire red/pfr cherries they have labeled super red.
  10. I've only tried astax on yellow, Poke. The effects were not good, so out of caution now I avoid astax for any of my neos.
  11. Thanks. I'll continue feeding to to my cards, but avoid feeding it to my neos.
  12. being in the arts, I have to ask. Are we able to see you art project?
  13. Welcome. What shrimp do you keep?
  14. Does anyone know the ingredients to double speed? Does it contain astax?
  15. I guess I should also add that all my BM shrimp turned chocolate. I culled the colony...
  16. Funny you should show that photo, Poopians. C-sky were the originators of BM. They put out this photo for proof of a different strain and how to tell the difference between a "real" BM and counterfeit BM....then they started selling BM with long rostrums as well. Shrimpers then had the assumption that this photo was not accurate and only put out for marketing purposes. This caused such an uproar in the shrimp community and such backlash, I understand they had to change their name. I'm having challenges finding references to it though...
  17. Having probs finding one right now. Think Royal Blue Tiger in Neo form.
  18. I'd love to see it. Yeah, the side of sand is important. Pool filter sand is good, but play sand for instance will just cloud the water.
  19. They are pretty, aren't they? The Ninjas used to be popular as one of the first shrimp in the hobby. Unfortunately they require saltwater to breed and are low order shrimp, so they hatch out larvae which are very hard to feed and slowly introduce to freshwater. That's why the cards and neos took over. They could breed miniature versions of themselves in freshwater. Consider yourself blessed. Ninjas are very hard to find in the US now, if you can find them at all.
  20. Love the idea of using the neos to bring the cardinals in the open. My only fear is bacterial infection in the neos, if it occurred, would spread to the cardinals as well....?
  21. Neos are my game. Let's see if we can straighten some confusion out. To answer your last question, a sky blue color for neo is the classic BV. Many sellers have caught onto the DBV or dark blue velvet craze, so you may have to look some to get classic BV. Another nice one is Blue Pearl, which is Neo Palmata. This has more of an ice blue look. These are becoming rarer since most people have neo davidi (formerly heteropoda) for their colonies. -Blue Velvet-Blue Dreams -Blue Dream Velvet (I assume higher quality of last 2) -Sea Sky Blue -Blue Jelly -Blue Diamond -Blue Rili -Carbon Blue -Blue Pearl -Cobalt Blue So my understanding is Blue Dreams are Blue Carbons that have been bred to be darker. Blue Dream Velvet was a name invented to sell a blue shrimp and not a true strain, so genetics are unknown. Regardless of the name, I do not believe this is a cross. Blue Jelly (or Blue Fairy) was a name that was used in another country, and when the shrimp were brought here the name was changed to Blue velvet. Blue Diamond is from the Chocolate diamond line. It doesn't breed true and throws other colors as well. To keep the line blue, much culling has to be done. Two types of blue rili. The first type was originally used to describe a red rili shrimp with blue tissue. Then it was used to describe an all blue shrimp thrown by red rilis. To avoid confusion people started calling the all blue shrimp blue rili, and the blue bodied red rili shrimp BBRR. (To confuse even more, then the name blue rili was used to describe the occasional shrimp with blue pigmented rili pattern.) Blue pearl, as was mentioned, is Palmata. Blueberry is also Palmata, however the color is believed to come from diet, as these have changed color in the tanks and offspring do not breed true. C-Sky is a name of a breeding company, not a blue shrimp. The seller may try to sell the shrimp as c-sky blue shrimp though, which ultimately means nothing genetic-wise. Cobalts, Wizards, and even my blue Sonic mutation I'm working on look like other shrimp, but genetics may be unknown. I'd LOVE to see Fire Blues here like I've seen in other countries. All blue pigmented shell that breeds true, but so far I've not seen it in the US. Having said this, it is important to know the genetics of your shrimp. If new shrimp that look the same are added from a different strain in the future, it may give you wilds. Ie. I recently saw the result of Blue Dreams x BV give streaky brown wilds. On the other hand, maybe a certain blue is dominant over another blue. As someone said, welcome to the confusing world of blue neos.
  22. I'm finding fewer and fewer people offering True Bloody Marys. Most often people are selling fire reds and calling them BM. Bloody Mary's are supposed to have a see through shell with red tissue. Fire reds have pigment on the shell. Also, BM don't breed true. You always have a percentage of other colors that are thrown that you'll have to cull. Painted are often dull, but the thickness of pigment on the shell is SOLID. I love painted myself. Take a look at Fire Reds. The pigment on the shell completely covers, but is still thin enough to see through.
  23. Yep. Like a sponge filter tube with a notch cut out at the bottom for the falling sand to enter again. The bubbles suck the sand upward and drop it at the top.
  24. The males can be aggressive with each other, however I use tenners for the colony and since I've added the hair algae, they have places to hide in the "vegetation." Mostly males and sometimes fems lose claws that grow back. I used to use my 25T for my red claws. With the hair algae, I must have had close to 50 in there.
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