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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sand waterfall. Basically uses a jet lift.
  2. My mouth dropped when I saw this! https://www.facebook.com/doddyaliwijaya/videos/10153866525481929/ For those of you that don't have facebook video, here's a still pic: Yes, those are two underwater waterfalls. Doddy Ali Wijaya kasih tak sampai 90x40x50cm fissiden. creeping bucep. montecarlo
  3. Yepper. Bred lots of them. Ph7+, gh has been anywhere from 7 to 12 and up successfully depending on tank. Temp currently 75F. The secret to breeding them for me was a hair algae mass, instead of moss. They dig under it, use it like a cave, hide in it, climb on it, and I *believe* they even eat it as well. I also feed flake as a main food.
  4. Agreed. Not a problem with small fish like endlers, etc., but poly for larger. Only other thing I'd like to add from experience is stay away from shipping this time of year as a 2 day package can take over a week to arrive. Also from experience, when shipping I never mark live animals on my packages anymore. Well meaning workers set them aside and end up forgetting about them.
  5. Some people even use shot glasses. I tried a dish, but gave up in the first week. My neos dragged everything out.
  6. Shrimp Lady, that looks like a Ninja Shrimp. Caridina serratirostris
  7. You won't have this shrimp. It's not imported yet to the US.
  8. yepper. Mysteries are shrimp safe. The only thing to look out for is when they die, there's ammonia produced pretty fast.
  9. Wonder what's going on with them? I've ordered several times from Ken's and never had a problem?
  10. You can post your pics from your computer here by hitting the button other reply options.
  11. Blueberries are kind of rare now, due to the offspring not being the same color.
  12. I think the shrimp eat it like granules.
  13. hmmm...my red claws are much more colored than that. Definitely a macro though.
  14. Really? I just checked ebay and didn't see them?
  15. You can still get cards, and pretty reasonable too. Probably healthier buying from members here than your fish store anyway, simply because they have so many species it's hard to keep up with everything.
  16. yeah, about $50-60 if you can find them.
  17. Would you mind getting a shot of the setting screw on your pen?
  18. Agreed, unfortunately. I have 2 packages coming in. One just from the next state over. The 2 days have turned into 4 and 5 days. My own package of shrimp I've shipped out has not moved since Nov 30.
  19. To my understanding you can replace the disks.
  20. Welcome Kris! You won't notice much of a difference with cycling and just 10 shrimp in a 40g.
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