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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. 1 hour ago, Vpier said:

    What parameter are you keeping them in?


    ph 7+, gh 6-10


    Remember when I told you they are almost fool proof?  A couple years ago I goofed and made the gh 35!!!  Big error, right?  They didn't even bat an eye!  Gave me a heart attack when I caught it, though! LOL


    Seems the more I leave them alone, the more they thrive.  They are always hungry and will eat any food given.

  2. This is probably the easiest to breed and keep Sulawesi shrimp out there.  They even outbreed my cherries!


    Pareparensis Parvidentata aka Malawa are extremely hardy.  If neos are tanks, these guys are battleships!  I've kept them for years and have never seen a case of bacterial infection yet.


    They do fine in cherry params and are constantly on the go.


    Their colors vary.  Most are dark brown since I bred for that years ago, however there are other colors that pop up such as blue, red, etc.  Some even have tiger stripes and traces of white.


    Fully grown, I find them to be around half the size of neos.


    10 for 19.50 + $10 shipped priority in the continental US.



  3. I have 15 crystal shrimp culls (red and black) with poor coloration I need to move out.  Most are adult size, and I think 2 (maybe more?) are berried. 


    Also, I *think* I counted 8 peewees as well (although surprisingly, the babies are looking pretty well colored at this point?)


    There may be an extra shrimp cull or two that I've missed and will throw in for free when packaging up the shipment.  (Hey, I need the tank space! So pretty much any shrimp I find in the tank are going in this shipment!)


    *Almost all are lacking full color on the red, black or white.*  At least one is almost clear.  A sample pic is below.

    *Please keep in mind berries may be dropped in travel, and peewees are sensitive to travel as well.*


    However, having said that- this may be a good cheap package for introducing genetics for making TiBees, TaiBees, or newbies testing crystal keeping skills.


    Whole package of around 23 crystal culls (or more) sent for only $50 *SHIPPED* priority in the continental US!!!


    Here's a pic of the tank.

    crystal culls.jpg

  4. So the news is that Thursday October 27 will be our debut of our mock-umentary Community Theatre: The Web Series on YouTube!


    The first 3 episodes will be released that day, with one released every Thursday until all 11 shows are out.


    In more big news, we have an opportunity to pitch a new web series to a web show producer this week.  No matter how it turns out, it's nice to have the opportunity. :)

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