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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. So I was looking in my orange neo shrimp tank, and apparently a greenish shrimp was thrown in there. It doesn't have the markings of a Nessie, so not exactly sure what classification of color name it falls into? A new strain of green jade?
  2. Yepper. Mostly we are seeing the different patterns by crossing shrimp with each other instead of true TB though. (I have seen red tails on black CBS though.) I do agree that interesting patterns and colors come from those crossings though.
  3. Anyone in the area? Take a look.
  4. Blue bolts are TB, not selectively bred snows. You may be right about the gene modification. Who knows?
  5. Congrats! I love how when you click on the Nessie pic it blows up so you can see the dots of color! And I love the red lined tangerine!!! I want to buy some when you have some ready!
  6. Mimi is our black haired poodle. We rescued her from a situation where her owner was 90+ yrs old and died, and the rest of the family didn't want her. So us or the pound. Not sure how old she is, just that she's old. Harry our cat is past 11 years old now and has 3 of her 4 fangs gone now.
  7. Perhaps I didn't go in depth enough. My fault. I tend to write sometimes in shorthand. In neos "black" is often heavily pigmented blue. Blue jelly TB I would think is caused by layers of "black" (blue) that have been stripped away, until a thin layer remains to give that blue look. By the "black" feathering out into the white, the white underneath and to the sides makes the blue show through. So the shrimp only has the one dark color, it is just varied throughout the body. Now, having said that, I have some cards that are brownies. So different layers may contain different looks. Depending on what layer is missing may depend on what color we are seeing. Similer to a dilution gene in mammals.
  8. In your opinion, would you even have to take the eggs out of a molt in a tumbler like that?
  9. I'm a hobby breeder. The best way to keep my shrimp looking good is through genetics and good nutrition. I'm a fan of omniapro, ae, snowflake, and some others. Basically, offer a variety of foods with one main one, and they'll do fine. That, and cull to obtain the best genes. You don't have to, of course. Some people are just happy with a colony.
  10. Honestly, genetics is the most important aspect of color. Many a newbie are ripped off with products giving the impression they can make cherries look like painteds, or give thick whites to cards.
  11. Would you please make a do it yourself in the diy section for members who are looking how to build one?
  12. I think the water pressure would form fit to your fingers.
  13. With tap, no minerals need added. With ro, minerals always need added for gh, tds, and more. I personally use gh+ powder, but I have lots of tanks. I'm thinking of switching to a liquid at a later time.
  14. I'm going to stick my neck out and say no. My theory is that the blue is actually a combo of white and black. That said, it should be possible with red and a red shadow.
  15. Hmmm...maybe. You have to make sure it supports 200+lbs of weight, and that's just in water alone.
  16. I was all set to give you a link to a metal stand, then you said cabinet. LOL have you checked petco or petsmart?
  17. Okay, dumb question- when was the last time you calibrated the pen?
  18. I don't see why not. And you won't have to keep it to transfer stuff after hanging it up to dry,or from tank to tank if unwanted. I'm sure they don't have to be powdered like latex does.
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