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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Can't comment on paint, however you have other options too, such as colored foam board from the craft section, poster board, and even window tinting.
  2. I feel the same. All other crays I have owned have been very aggressive. These dims run up to each other, wave their claws and then run away. heh I can keep lots of adults in a single tenner tank, whereas cpo when adults need their space.
  3. There's also this kind of disposable one which I think I'd like for larger tanks, because it won't slip off your arm, and it keeps the shoulder protected:
  4. There's different types, but here's a link to uber cheap ones: http://www.qcsupply.com/140629-vet-r-sem-disposable-gloves.html
  5. They kinda look like the long gloves to pregnancy check cows.
  6. I started out with blue. They bred blue. But then they were turning black. I've been chalking it up to my ph being 7+. Then some more breeding and I had some brown ones too. Someone told me a ratio of 50/50 is common. Someone else told me males are brown. I've not had any turn whitish, but some people have. Honestly, I've heard such contradictory info out there, I'm not sure anyone has figured it out yet. Interesting that water params can have such interesting effects on colors.
  7. I think you may be thinking of orange eyed blue tigers, Taylor. If Speedie was selling Royal Blues that cheap, that was an incredibly great price! Too bad he's not selling anymore. Now RBT are hard to find. And when you can find them, usually they're pricey. heh http://www.alphaprobreeders.com/royal-blues-qty-3/ http://buypetshrimp.com/royal-blue-tigers-10/ http://www.eliteinverts.com/royal-blue-shrimp/ even on AB http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwinverts&1448601821
  8. Honestly depends on your tap. Some people have magic water, others like myself weren't successful until remin+ ro.
  9. Well, all our colors at one time came from cherries and luck.
  10. Food for thought- you always have the option for them to hold your package until you pick it up. Glad you regained your stuff, dude.
  11. 1. Vpier 2. Shrimple Minded 3. Duff0712 4. Loumeer 5. Greenteam 6. Tyler44 7. Adrand 8. Nick_R 9.Jesseter 10. jadenlea 11. 240ric 12. Mengyone 13. Soothing shrimp Thank you!
  12. As a beginner to all this, just take out (cull) your weakest colored shrimp. Don't cull all your males though. LOL
  13. Yep. 'Tis possible in theory. Congrats. You going to try starting a strain?
  14. I think out of hundreds, I have had one that is aggressive. Keeps cutting off claws of others. I just moved him out yesterday.
  15. yeah. I think the general attitude from shrimp sellers in the US have been to colony breed without culling. That's why I was wondering if any hobbyists had worked on it. There's a saying I heard once that I've bastardized, and I have used ever since. A bit tongue in cheek, but the idea comes across. "A breeder will breed you a color. A hobbyist will breed you a certain shade of that color."
  16. Thanks for the tip Deta. I just took a look and his look see thru.
  17. Yep. Strange as it seems, water can be different.
  18. As it is in any shrimp. Just preference.
  19. Appearently not, but he said it does tinge the water some.
  20. Mine don't do well with SS gh/kh for some reason, but just fine with SS gh+.
  21. Just in saturation. Many TT I've seen have been light in color.
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