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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL yeah, it gets confusing especially if not keeping up with colors. heh Neo Heteropoda now is Neo Davidi. Bloody Mary is actually supposed to be see through red with red tissue. Different mutations than PFR or FR. Many sellers unfortunately now are selling fire reds as BM. Definitive grades are often done as adults, however you can make educated grades by knowing the strain and stock. --- I'd also like to add a personal opinion. Sometimes people treat higher grades as to whether a type of shrimp is more desirable than others. I guess I look at it as parallel rather than a hierarchy. Just different types of color. Which do you prefer? Then keep it.
  2. Miwu, well stated, and that is what I have read/been told.
  3. I guess in retrospect maybe it shouldn't surprise us. heh It can be healthy for shrimp, so why not us?
  4. Unfortunately bj and hulk often turn black with age.
  5. Sounds like it would help for sure on cankers.
  6. In the theatre we use straight honey for an ailing voice, so that makes sense. Maybe we'll try that. Thanks!
  7. It gets even more tricky. LOL Royal Blue Tigers don't look like oebt. RBT OEBT
  8. Wow. Goes against everything I've read or heard.
  9. These charts may help the more serious breeders. Blue Tiger Grades Black Tiger Grades https://web.archive.org/web/20141015120418/http://garnelenbox.de/tiere/schwarze-tiger-grades.html CRS/CBS Grades German color K system for crystals https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcrystal-red.de%2Faussehen.htm&edit-text=&act=url more crs grading charts http://crystalred.xc.ro/en/crystal-red-shrimp-grades.html http://www.silaneshrimp.com/articles/grading-and-guides/crystal-red-shrimp-features-guide.html http://www.planetinverts.com/crsgradeguide/crystal_red_shrimp_quick_grading_guide.jpg Royal whites are SSSS+ and have no red. Different from snow white/golden. Cherry Shrimp Grades Feel free to add any more grading charts for members to see.
  10. We have a new international marketplace up now, too. Perhaps if you post there you may get some hits.
  11. So the bags won't stick together, and no effects on shrimp for shipping according to them.
  12. We've been getting members here from South Africa, Australia, Europe, Canada and so forth. We're thrilled to have you! To make it easier to get in touch with members selling or buying from your own country, and so you don't have to go through the mess of wading through all the US posts to find sales items to buy, we've created a separate marketplace section just for you! YOU are THAT important to us!!! Our goal is to encourage you to continue to make connections without having to deal with those pesky importing/exporting laws, and having to search for someone around you. Family is family, no matter where you currently reside. So, as family, you are included in our brand new international section! --- A suggestion for selling/buying headings to make it easier to locate each other in this new section is to simply state where you are located, and your title. Ie. Oz- CRS for sale -or- Canada- OEBT wanted --- We hope this will make your experience here as members more enjoyable! And thanks for being a part of the Shrimp Spot family!
  13. Having too much fun trying these tea flavors. LOL
  14. I only started drinking tea this year after coffee started making me have a sour stomach. I probably use more sugar than I should, but I like a sweet taste. heh
  15. Unfortunately, some scammers on are to it and have sold yellow shrimp that have been doctored with diets for a quick buck.
  16. Wish I could get her to drink it. She doesn't like tea.
  17. Myself and others have experienced the turning color of yellows to greens and browns through diet. Take away the diet and they revert back eventually.
  18. Does it stop plaque or something?
  19. Nadia was home sick from school today. She was sick during last meet and she still posted some good scores for her. We'll see when she's healthier if she can beat her scores for herself.
  20. Nadia's next meet is this upcoming Sunday. No motel this time because it is close enough. Once again, I won't be there due to theatre, but hopefully my buddy will give me updates again. Otherwise I'll have to wait until the meet is over and post then when my wife gets the info to me.
  21. LOL Yepper. Liam and Nick were pioneers importing.
  22. Unfortunately, no shipping company is going to guarantee shipping arrival on a certain day unless overnight...and even then it's a crapshoot.
  23. About as long as the jades. When people started seeing generations not breeding true, it pretty much fell out of favor.
  24. Yep. Now you can get them for under $5 ea. When the first came out, they only sold females too. heh
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