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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL Actually we're fine here with bumping old threads. Sometimes info is new that can be added.
  2. Chris, that would be great! Thank you! Yes, most tanks are tenners.
  3. Chris, that would be great! Thank you! Yes, most tanks are tenners.
  4. What shrimp are you planning on keeping?
  5. I think the molting issue is right on. I've had a couple show up like that over the years, but they seem to be okay after another molt. BTW it doesn't mean anything is wrong with your params. Even the best params get the occasional shrimp oops.
  6. Congrats jem_xxiii ! Please send me your address through pm. Once again, thank you to everyone for supporting Nadia in her endeavors.
  7. Looks like I'll have to try the rooibos tea as well.
  8. Some people have started businesses at the age of 17.
  9. Have a link? Never tried that one.
  10. I'll have to have my wife try that. I'm lactose intolerant, so have to make time for myself if I know I'm going to get sick. heh Yeah...I'm bad that way.
  11. LOL Hopeless for me to lose weight. I'll just have to be a fat filmmaker. Chai tea is the same as green tea?
  12. We're not trying to gang up against you, though it may look that way. LOL What you do is up to you. Just be aware many people lose shrimp by accidentally having something on their hands when they place it in the aquarium. So, if you limit the times your hands have to go in, you limit your risks. But as I said, you are old enough to make your own decisions.
  13. My understanding is iced tea can be made from hot tea by doubling on on the products in it. ie. double sugar, double tea bags
  14. Scared me off there for a second, gilz. LOL Take me through the easiest first, with the understanding it would be connected to a pump, and not a main water line.
  15. I just realized, I have a pine tree in the back yard. I could try pine needle tea.
  16. Does anyone else drink tea? I've pretty much stopped coffee, and have become a tea drinker. I'm a newbie. I'm going to start keeping a list of what I've tried and want to try. heck, maybe if people are interested, we can swap tea bags and try them and see what we think. A tea club so to speak. I've tried: black w/earl grey- dark color, nice wake up tea in the morn. Bold flavor which I like. Not too crazy about the earl aftertaste. black w/orange pekoe- I do like this one. A bit of citrus which has a nice mellow aftertaste. green- light color, not as bold flavor as I'd like, but still okay. on my wish list so far to try is: Ruby Shangri-La Tea- a deep red tea made from Thai hibiscus & butterfly blue pea flowers Bluechai Blue Tea- a blue tea made from butterfly pea flowers and organic lemongrass.
  17. heh It may very well indeed. So there's still a use for it for people.
  18. Yeah. When Rooibos tea came out lots of people thought it was the next best thing. It doesn't seem to work for many people though.
  19. Looks like you are having fun, Prat. Be careful about the hands in the tank though. You don't want to accidentally introduce something detrimental.
  20. You got snow today Wigglz? It's unusually warm here. 70's as opposed to 40's.
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