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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Naaaahhhhh we're all enablers here! Lol Welcome!
  2. While it is true that the red intensifies with age, you have enough juvies now to compare with each other's redness to cull by juvie age.
  3. Jem- not sure, however I would think that is a resonable assumption.
  4. Anyone have any links/info/pics to automatic water systems on racks?
  5. LOL Sorry folks, however sometimes a pic is worth a thousand words.
  6. Manticore, I believe he answered that in post #6: "I wish I have that products to add them but I don't and it's too late hear now to buy them." Sometimes it's hard to see all replies.
  7. Do you have any shops that carry pond filters? You are looking for Reticulated Open Cell Foam
  8. If it is okay to use your shrimp as an example, the tissue looks like wax paper and obviously the shrimp is doing fine. Sometimes shrimp just have a higher density of tissue than others.
  9. Take out some tank water Remove a sponge Squeeze the sponge in the used tank water until cleanish Replace sponge Never do all sponges at once. If you are determined to be super clean and do one a week (I'm not that good,) that allows 3-4 wks for the cleaned sponge to recolonize.
  10. Her meet is on Nov 8, but we'll still take the good luck! Haven't home schooled her yet, but as she progresses to the upper levels, it may take so much time she'll have to. Time will tell. And cool twist on the dancing! Sometimes we have to morph our dreams, but how great she found a niche for herself doing something she loves!
  11. I appreciate everyone who has given my daughter well wishes, good thoughts and supporting her as she continues with her gymnastics. Thank you! I don't have much to give away right now, however out of appreciation, I'd like to do a RAOK to celebrate her first meet coming up next weekend. The number drawn by random number generator will receive 10 Malawa shrimp. Easy to breed, easy to keep. Won't interbreed with neos or cards. ph 7+ gh~7 Win, but can't keep them right now? Tell me to hold onto them until you have your tank ready. We're all family here! I'll even pay priority Insulated shipping to you! (Continental US only. Sorry people from other places.) So this is FREE from Nadia and me as a thank you! I'll "draw" the number Wednesday, November 4, sometime around noon. So deadline for entries is 12:00pm Wednesday. Good luck, my friends! 1. Your Name 2.
  12. Great! So you know what it is like to have a 6 yr old, as well. What's her name? When I was growing up, I had an interest in the arts. My mom was willing to support me, but my father was against it. So, of course my dad won out. It was only after my father died at my age of 15 that I could start seriously exploring performing. Now after lots of years in the theatre acting/directing, I'm switching my media and exploring becoming a filmmaker....but I digress... I promised my daughter if she had an interest in something, unlike my parents, I would do everything possible to support her exploring it. All she has to be is the best SHE can be. That doesn't mean going to the Olympics, or nationals- heck, that doesn't even mean placing!- that means finding a love of something and keeping the passion for herself. If she goes through this and just wants to be a coach or instructor, then God bless her- go for her dreams! Find a job you love, and you'll never have to "work." But yeah. It's very expensive, but a commitment to my kids is a commitment. I'm hoping on trying a couple other things to sell to help offset her costs as well. Her team leo alone cost $340!
  13. Funny you should mention that. I actually started up a tank of wild neos, I've affectionately called grasshoppers. heh I find they have their own charm, look. Conventional wisdom say they should automatically breed true, but they don't. They throw the random body colors. Anyway, I've gotten them to breed true now throwing only tiger-like stripes of tan and black. Down to about 10 or so, and now have to grow my colony again to improve genetics.
  14. Steel Red are red bolt x red bolt over several generations, I've been told.
  15. This is a great photo of Gammarus in relation to a hand. It may help you: https://www.flickr.com/photos/peteredin/5364915246/?ytcheck=1
  16. A good way for others to remember is that shrimp can be thought of as underwater bugs. Anything that will harm bugs, will harm them too.
  17. LOL I plead the fifth. The easiest way to selectively breed is just let them breed until you have about 100 shrimp, cull down to 10 and do it again...and again...and again. Only need one tank for that.
  18. Good question, Poopians. I guess for me it's fear of bad Karma coming back to me by hurting someone else- even if justified. Kind of goes with mom's old advice- If you can't do anything nice, don't do it at all. I fully understand what you are saying though.
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