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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. There are people that sell counterfeit shrimp for a quick buck. I've lost money to them before.
  2. Sounds like you may have some washed out yellows. With work, you can intensify that yellow through breeding.
  3. That and check your params. Especially ph swing. At least that's the current theory.
  4. Why wouldn't it work? All you need is a utility knife. 48" will fit in your car just fine.
  5. Just beaded foam from the hardware store for insulation. http://www.menards.com/main/p-1444435971277-c-5779.htm?tid=-450334810073034704
  6. This will help: http://www.swisstropicals.com/filtration-shop/mattenfilter-shop/
  7. Shrimp are created differently just like people. I have had two out of three kids come down sick this week and have to stay home from school, yet Nadia is fine. Just different individuals.
  8. Just got official word her meet starts at 7 am next weekend. A 3 hr drive. Not sure if we'll do a motel, or take off at 3 or 4am... ugh...
  9. Before you start thinking that, let's have the members try to get everything back on track again.
  10. You can also try dropping the Sat depending on how many shrimp you have. Perhaps the TB have a slightly different metabolism. (?)
  11. I would love to say bacterial infection, since that seems to be the standard answer for that type of question. However the body is not paper white. Often the fogginess of shrimp tissue in my experience is multiple causes. Sometimes just denseness of tissue and they are healthy. Other times too little oxygen, which can cause deaths.
  12. Never seen that before. Offhand I'd guess the body is growing faster than the shell. What percentage of protein are you feeding, do you know? If it is genetics, the juvies would display this too- and shrimp researchers would be interested to see what DNA is responsible for this. Better to rule out food first.
  13. LOL I suppose that's one way of looking at it, however many varieties of shrimp have been bred for color boldness and the shrimp has not much control over coloration now beyond being stressed. The OE controversy about being blind or not has been going on for years now with neither side being able to prove their position. For the record, I don't think they are, however even if they are 100% totally blind it doesn't impact their life since they are safe in an artificial environment, and use smell, vibrations, water movement and feelers to get around like cave shrimp.
  14. Great article Pokeshrimp! I confirmed independently (without knowledge of this article) that the research is sound. I continued the experiment a bit further though and fed for 3 weeks. The shrimp did not stay a bluish, but changed to an ugly streaky brown. Took several months to revert back to yellow. Keep in mind I fed pure astax, so maybe by portioning it, or just feeding spinach, they would stay at a certain stage of color longer.
  15. Weird. I must admit I can't picture it, so yeah. Pics would be great.
  16. I should probably mention she had to go to the emergency room a few weeks ago. She fell in gymnastics and hit her forehead. It can be a pretty dangerous sport at times. We went to the emergency room, had the face full of blood cleaned up, and found she had a cut on her forehead. So, deciding how many stitches she was going to have, she spoke up for herself and said she didn't want a scar. me: Gymnasts are warriors! You'll have a great battle injury to brag about! her: No scar. me: You'll have a great conversation starter to tell others about! her: No scar. me: You'll- her: No scar. I got the impression she wanted to minimize her scar. LOL Funny since many other gymnasts have scars and injuries. The doctor then decided that she may be young enough to heal quickly enough with steristrips and a sterile type of super glue. Here's her after the procedure. Ironically she's not on any meds, she just kept asking when she can get back to the gym. I *did* manage to convince her to take the rest of the day off. LOL She had a black eye for about a week. Now about 3-4 weeks later she looks like this. Sorry for the morning hair. heh
  17. Nadia wanted to write and say: "I love gymnastics because I love doing everything! "
  18. We appreciate the support folks. Thank you! She's excited to have so many people virtually routing for her as well! I'm reading her each and every comment! She was a bit bummed after the mock meet because she didn't place. I sat her down and told her it's good to compare herself with others to see where she places, however compete against her own self to better her own scores each time. Gymnastics is a funny sport. It's team, but individual as well. Whereas some people on her team have the talent naturally, she has to really work to get the skills down. I'm super proud of her for her tenacity! heh It's more apparent to me the young truck has passed me by. LOL The bun is simple really, but complicated to make look right. At this point, it takes us about an hour to do it. I'm sure the time will go down as we get more experienced. The real challenge is doing that on someone who has ADD. LOL
  19. Only way I can do it. heh We don't earn enough otherwise and this forum has become my shrimping family as well. So family helping family is a win-win.
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