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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The above pic is accurate inmy experience.
  2. Larger tanks make the water params more stable. However some people are super on top of things and do very small tanks. All depends on your personality really.
  3. Careful how much spinach you feed to neos. It can turn yellows and perhaps others ugly colors.
  4. Poopians pretty much nailed it. If your filter is already well seeded, IMO you can skip adding Stability, but I suppose it couldn't hurt.
  5. Hard to tell for sure, but offhand they look like neos.
  6. Bye Bye Black Rose. I just am not impressed with them. They look like my dark chocolates. So, since they originally came from diamonds, I put them in with them to free up the tank.
  7. If the spray did it, I'd like to know too. Sure beats using Kanaplex.
  8. Well, the shells aren't really blue. They start out clear and turn white as calcium builds. The bodies are brownish and because the shells are kind of translucent, it is the body that gives the shell that look. Like if you were to place something dark behind a piece of frosted glass. "Blue" mystery snails are the same way. I suppose if you were to use a cool white bulb or blue leds, they could look more blue.
  9. First mock meet was Saturday. Her scores were: Vault: 8.8 Bars: 8.75 Beam: 7.6 Floor: 7.6 This is something the gym did to give them an understanding where they are at in terms of base points and what to expect from the real meets coming up. Each meet has different judges, so we'll see how she scores in her first meet the first weekend of November. C'mon Nadia! I'm routin' for ya, gal!
  10. So we are not very knowledgeable about gymnastics yet, but I'm learning. heh Like any other sport or hobby, once you get serious about it, it takes lots of time and money. Gee, we don't know what that's like do we? LOL So, she has gymnastics practices about 13 hrs a week. Gymnastics is weird in the sense that there's no real season off. You compete, but you still have to attend practices all year round- otherwise you lose your flexibility, conditioning strength and balance. The strength is a careful balance between endurance and isometric power muscle. So she made it to level 2 and has been working hard to make level 3. She still finds it hard to keep her legs and arms straight, but is doing better. The season average she has to have on all 4 events is 8.5 if she doesn't meet this, she stays in the current level until she does.
  11. Nadia made Level 2 last year and we are sooooooo proud of her! She was thrilled! Think of gymnastics levels like belts in the martial arts. When you achieve certain skills and get tested, you go up to the next level. The challenge with gymnastics is you have to display the required new skills on all 4 apparatus to move up to the next level after a season of competing. The apparatus are uneven bars, floor, balance beam, and vault. More about that later... See how long her hair is? We had to learn a special bun for her hair for the meets this year. If we were to use a traditional bun, it would be HUGE! Instead, this is the bun we had to learn:
  12. So this year Nadia received this balance beam: She absolutely adores it! She is on it almost everyday! She loves gymnastics! At recess she is hand over hand on the school monkey bars, she does round offs on the way home from school, she constantly practices handstands in the house and routines!
  13. Nadia's brothers all have Asperger's. A type of Autism. It wouldn't surprise me if Nadia has it too, but it manifests differently in girls most of the time. Her muscles are very loosey goosey and she has trouble holding her legs and arms straight out, but gymnastics has been great in helping her slowly learn to control her balance and body. ADD pretty much runs in my wife's family, so no surprise Nadia has trouble paying attention, but once again gymnastics has helped somewhat with her focusing for longer periods of time. So far Nadia has 1 medal and 1 trophy from showcases previously. She has taken those to school for show and tell because she has been proud of those. She's 6 now. Her and her twin brother turn 7 five days after Christmas. Causes challenges splitting up Christmas presents and birthday presents! LOL
  14. I thought it may be fun to follow Nadia along her journeys of gymnastics and see how she does for her meets this year. This is Nadia. Yeah, I know. Kinda a weird pose, but that's the type of poses they do in gymnastics. Kinda a traditional thang methinks. She first got involved in gymnastics at the age of 3. In short, that gymnastics gym went under because the owner's husband became sick, died, and she couldn't run it by herself. A strict coach from Romania. She was on her country's Olympic team and then taught after retiring from the sport. Her gym/equipment/student list was bought by a much bigger center that hires Russian coaches that have almost all competed in the Olympics. That's where we are now.
  15. Separated the painted Nessies from the other grades today. I'm thinking this may actually be a good way to stabilize a shiny looking black strain, although the real color is extremely dark blue-green. So far all painteds are fems. Going to have to find a male in my other grade tank that has promise. I think at least one is already berried, and still have some other grade babies running around in the painted tank I gave up catching until older. In some other news, I received in what was supposed to be orange sakura shrimp this week from AB. Looks nothing like the picture given, and the best I could call them are low grade pumpkins. Look more yellowish than orange at this point, and barely any color. Hopefully that will improve with time, however these are already past juvies, so I don't think so. Ah well... selective breeding from ground zero. Starting over with strains totally sucks. I'm used to such a high standard for myself and shrimp, and to start at low to medium quality again is kinda depressing, but exciting at the same time knowing that strains can be bred to much better potential. Takes me back to when I first started with shrimp. heh I was told when I bought my dims that blues bred true. Now I'm finding out that was incorrect and they throw browns as well. I have to lower my ph because now all my dims have turned brown or black, and I can't tell which are blues and which are browns. heh I'm going to start an off-topic gymnastics journal with my kid if that's okay. I'll put it in the lounge section so everyone can follow her through her gym season. Not really shrimp related, so I hope it will be okay if I post it there.
  16. What kind are you talking about? Pellet? Powder? Leaves? heh lots of different options. My favorite pellet is omniapro for neos.
  17. I imagine this is Dark Blue Orange Eye? Never heard that acronym before. Are they the same as Royal Blue Tigers? (RBT?) I've seen some people label them as RBOE, but not often anymore. OE has now become the expectation, although technically the RBT should have black eyes.
  18. Can you tell us more about Fritzyme 7?
  19. It would be an interesting experiment. Simple too. Tank 1: 24 hours light Tank 2: Day/Night Tank 3: Full darkness See which tank has the most breeding in a given amount of time.
  20. I don't think werwa is supposed to do anything with bacterial problems. "Werwa promotes the growth , moulting and coloration of young and adult shrimp." Cool it had that effect for you, though.
  21. IMO that photo is retouched. They tend to look like this:
  22. I will say that low water pressure tends to have a higher tds at the end of ro production. IMO as long as you are under 20 TDS, you should be golden.
  23. Perhaps the green was made by food in the diet, and once leaving the facility (with the diet no more) they reverted back to yellow?
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