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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I bought the ADA test kit. We'll see how well it works. I'm just tired of my pinpoint right now. Calibrations, solutions, life of probes, etc.
  2. I'll give ya a tip. Building materials and tools aren't the most dangerous. It's your significant other once they find out! LOL
  3. Congratulations on your tenacity! Not everyone makes it this far. Some want easy peazy and once they die off, they exit the hobby. heh Nothing beats hands on experience! Welcome!
  4. Yepper, Jled. I do that every feeding, and so far so good. I only dip in maybe 1/2 inch.
  5. The downside to using any site like that (AB, Ebay, Amazon) is people try to rip you off, use the rating system to blackmail you, and can be jerks.
  6. Sarah, I was playing a while back with jamming an airstone in the open end of a double sponge tube. Don't remember what happened. heh You want to experiment and tell us in another thread?
  7. Yeah. What hurts more is that my shrimp room is not insulated correctly, which means the temps flux big time. Going to have to go back to putting heaters in all my tanks year round.
  8. I never even knew those existed! Just got a package. Thanks, folks!
  9. Nessies are for Nadia's gymnastics. LOL But if you are interested in anything else, hit me up in a few weeks.
  10. I lost about 2/3 of my strains this year due to temperature flux, and need to replace them. Anyone up for a trade? Looking for neos. Here's what I have that I'm willing to trade right now: Shrimp Chocolate Diamond Malawa Red Armed Shrimp Crays CPO Marmorkrebs Fish See through black eyed guppies with the half black gene
  11. Right now keep breeding them. Soon you'll have around 100. From those 100 in tank A, select the best 10 for your trait and move those that don't match your criteria over to tank B. Your "cull" tank. Breed those in tank A some more, and then select again. It can literally be that simple. It can get lots more complicated, but especially in the beginning- keep the fun in it! Welcome to my side of the world!
  12. BTW RCS and Neocaridina Davidii are the same thing.
  13. Thank you Poopians. I'll keep that in mind. I'd still like to experiment with one though.
  14. So I'm curious, if flow and temps wont fluctuate between sections- would only one sponge filter do?
  15. LOL I know how that is. My brother is an organic chemist, so yeah...
  16. You just can't beat having so many experiences and opinions in one place. What works for one person, may not work for another, but how nice it is to see so many ideas to help decide what is right for you.
  17. Looking good! I use the same type of rack. Be sure to use the horizontal tie bar to the rails to prevent splaying. Also I found the wire grill to bend quite a bit, so I've used 3/4" wood on top of the rails for added strength.
  18. Welcome! Perhaps you can help the fish section here grow as well. I 't think we have very few sponsors right now carrying fish!
  19. I don't know if co2 diffusers do the same thing for air? I'm looking for this fine or finer air bubbles. Essentially a very fine mist:
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