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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. "I would think blue bolts are double recessive for TB and snow." Love the theory Miwu! Are you thinking incomplete recessives, or simple recessives doubled?
  2. IMO absolutely remove the more yellow male. You are working with a bell curve, so the closer you start your breeding, the better your ratio of phenotype. Don't kill the more yellow male though, because if the orange/yellow one turns out to be not doing the job, you may still have to use the yellow one down the road.
  3. Would that be limewood? I'm talking mist quality bubbles underwater for a tenner or larger.
  4. Supers were made by taking high quality crs and working to improve the red coverage. Once mixed, I'm sure the modifiers would scatter in the super and it would pretty much be the same as breeding with a crs.
  5. Those are snows then. RB have the pink dappled on top of the white from what I understand.
  6. Thanks for the info Maurice. ADA ph test kits are hard to come by in the US.
  7. Any opinions as to the most accurate liquid ph test kit?
  8. It's good to see someone else who keeps an open mind too.
  9. I would be inclined to agree with that. --- On the flipside, there are some that argue BB/RB are actually a variation of TB directly. The better than average white coverage, and better blue/red is their reasoning. Much like a Royal White (except spontaneous thrown, of course like any other TB.) If there were more than one type of phenotype that looked the same (as in blue neos), I may be able to agree with that- however how many phenotypes really look the same so far in caridina? well....you do have those TB that look like the avg pattern of cards, with the exception of the colored face, I guess...and I have seen lower grades of TB...
  10. Here's some snows from c-sky. You can see the reddish ones vs bluish ones.
  11. Multiple times in the past week this conversation has been brought up again. Snows vs Bolts. One camp suggests that Bolts are actually goldens/snows with better color coverage. Some snows present colored cheeks. Often bluish, sometimes reddish. Blue bolts present the color over their body. Sometimes just the head is covered, but on better ones the body is covered as well. Another camp says Bolts are a total separate creation. It is interesting to note this conversation has often been a friendly debate, and not the all out brawl that some other conversations have fallen into. I think that may be because whatever is agreed upon in this instance won't affect the attraction or price to either one. All I could find for blue cheeked snow as an example on the net was this one: Does anyone have any photos of blue cheeked or red cheeked snows? This may help others understand this friendly debate better.
  12. Me too. There has been a friendly debate amongst breeders whether red bolts or blue bolts are actually well colored snows/goldens. If you look at regular snows, some have blue or red cheeks. The amount of coverage may determine what name they go by- or not.
  13. Curious if the first section with the heater will get hotter than the other sections. Also interested if the shrimp will climb over the foam.
  14. Is the pink on the white, or is it bad white with the pink tissue showing from beneath? Can you post a few more pics?
  15. Around $10-12 when I last looked. Either way, enough to put back into your shrimp and maintenance.
  16. With more than one strain you can trade with each other as you go along to increase hardiness.
  17. they sell rooibos tea on ebay. Don't know the dosage offhand though.
  18. Where are you located? Some members may be able to tell you better where to go.
  19. At this point, I don't think you have anything to lose by doing a complete water reset.
  20. Yepper. Still have'em. They breed very fast for me.
  21. Nice! I've been trying to selective breed mine to that point.
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