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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. prat, right. Duff, neos are great to work with. I think you'll really like to do breeding with a goal. It's not for everyone since there's a lot of blood, sweat, tears and space involved- or what I call the holy trinity space/time/money- but when you reach a goal, there's a lot of pride that goes with it. You can sit back and say, "I did that!" You even get to name your own strain. For the record, no common neos I know are able to be kept together since crossbreeding will happen. I think the first thing you need to ask yourself is does it matter if a "type" has already been developed? Lots of people curious about breeding for a goal try to breed cherry to fire red/pfr status. It's a nice project that doesn't cost much to start, plus I think that is one reason why fire red strains are pretty hardy nowadays. So many fire red strains have been developed and crossbred, the genetics are still diverse while keeping the modifiers in line.Or is it important to you to work on something new? Why not attempt to create a consistent racing stripe on another color? Striped chocolates or striped reds for instance? In other places in the world, stripes are a separate strain, and have become quite popular. Sometimes stripes are not just one color, either. So you can even choose a particular stripe color if you find one, and even change that later on if another color consistently pops out. To me, this holds the most promise. For instance I have seen fire reds with white stripes, orange stripes, and even some with pink stripes. Regardless what you choose, feel free to start a journal so others are able to learn from your successes and challenges. I know I'd love to follow along to see what you come up with.
  2. My understanding from about a year ago was that in other parts of the world, the shadow panda was considered low quality and the black/white panda high quality. We were receiving so many of them because they could offload to us. Personally, I like the shadow panda.
  3. Yeah. That's my dilemma with the tight fit. My phone depth is almost an 1"
  4. Sold! I'll send you a pm when they're up again, jled.
  5. I'm sorry to hear about all the disasters, but good to know you still have enough for some colonies.
  6. All 10 are pending folks. Thanks for the interest! They (and other inverts) will be coming up for sale as needed for my daughter's gymnastics. Nadia and I appreciate your support folks! Thank you! Please excuse her steri-strips and glue. The photo is from the ER and It was either that or stitches, and she wanted to minimize the scar. heh Gymnastics is a dangerous sport with no season off. But she loves it!
  7. With the given info, I think you have neo davidi showing the stripe. Could be a fun project to see if you could carry it on in future generations.
  8. I was surprised last night by receiving a change in meet schedule via e-mail for my daughters gymnastics. Amazing to me how they can just do that. ugh Anyway that means her bill has to be pd ASAP. So...here's my Nessies for Nadia once again up for sale. This is a new strain of green neo created by myself with several years hard work. Very few people have these from me, so be one of the first! Colors range from blue-green, lime green, almost painted black dark kelly green, and lots of shades in between. All shades can happen in one clutch. Fems often have more coverage than males, of course. Young juvies sent. Unsexed at this age. Breed true. I only have 10 to sell right now! $15 ea. Priority shipping $10 to anywhere in the continental US.
  9. I liked the idea of naming the shrimp after the Loch Ness Monster.
  10. You mean you don't think Quebec is cheesy? LOL
  11. Nice! Welcome to our little corner of the net!
  12. have a link? My phone is a bit bigger now since I ordered the largest battery I could find for it. It actually has a special case I have to use because the regular back doesn't fit with the new battery.
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