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shamedic last won the day on May 26 2017

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    red cherry and green jades

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  1. I have a 40g breeder with two 45ppi in each side I have about 500 shrimp and its been running over a year with no problems I went with 45ppi because I didn't want baby getting inside it and die. I have never had to pull one out for cleaning.
  2. Clean the tank with white vinegar not bleach
  3. I got mine from ebay for $65 puts out about 2.5 gallons an hr.
  4. if your going to be using tap water get the test kits 1st that way you know if your water is even good for shrimp I had to get a RODI unit because my city water had to high of readings. the RODI units are cheap if you have to get one I think I payed $40 but you will have to get water remineralizer I use salty shrimp GH/KH+ it sounds like a lot to take in but its very EZ after you do it a few times. In no time you will have more shrimp then you know what to do with I started with 50 and now I have about 500.
  5. Ok so I the spring im thinking about selling some of my green jades with yellow stripe down the back. is there a different name for them because of the yellow stripe. and about what is the going rate for them. they breed true green about 95% of the time not all have the stripe tho.
  6. I just changed my tank over to corner hamburg matten filter got the 45 ppi foam because of the filter slowing down and always having to clean the pre-filter best thing I have done they work like a dream
  7. Just wanted to see if anyone has had shrimp eat there Anubis nana. They are eating it down to the roots and why do you think they are doing this. they are not diein because of it just want them to stop they have killed 3 of my 5 so far and working on the 4th btw they are green jades
  8. this is right on the money. different times of the year you may get XYZ amount of this cem. but 3 months later it might need 10 time the amount of XYZ. it took me about 100 cherry shrimp to die before I got my RO unit. with all your tanks it would be best to get a big trash can on wheels for your RO water. it sounds like a lot of work but its better then having to keep buying new shrimp. I have mine set up by the window in my office waste water goes out the window. you can even get a float valve from home depot so you can set it up the day b4 WC and walk away from it.
  9. this is right on the money. different times of the year you may get XYZ amount of this cem. but 3 months later it might need 10 time the amount of XYZ. it took me about 100 cherry shrimp to die before I got my RO unit. with all your tanks it would be best to get a big trash can on wheels for your RO water. it sounds like a lot of work but its better then having to keep buying new shrimp. I have mine set up by the window in my office waste water goes out the window. you can even get a float valve from home depot so you can set it up the day b4 WC and walk away from it. %0
  10. stop using tap water!!! before I got my RO unit I had die offs like you had you can get cheap RO unit on ebay for $60 not bad when you start adding up the price of the dead shrimp. I remin the water with Salty Shrimp Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ I never have any die now. just get a few new 5 gallon buckets and make you water right where you want it
  11. I have red cherry tank prob. 500 in here and green jade tank prob. 200 in this one they both love GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner and CSF - Pure Mineral. Both tanks are 40g breeders and I put the food in the middle of the tank so they don't have to look far. My tanks are not over planted and only a few small wood they love both foods tho.
  12. ya even with two FX6s each rated for 925g each I had dead spots take your time and buy the best filter you can even if you have to save for a bit or if you have the room build a sump. pulling canister filters was a pain when they are the size of a 5g bucket full of water
  13. I just sold my big tank this year (240g) Vpier is right about them being more stable and forgiving. The only thing I will say is make sure you get the size that you can clean I wouldn't get a deep tank from front to back and don't get a tall tank it doesn't sound hard to clean but they are. my tank was 72Lx30Wx25T and im 6'3 it was not fun to try and clean it and I ran two FX6s. make sure you get the best filter you can so you don't have dead spots it was the best tank I ever had till it was cleaning day.
  14. just an update on the 45ppi foam it has been running for about 6 months with no problems I haven't done any type of maint what so ever to the foam pad and the water lvls stay the same there are prob 500+ cherry shrimp in the tank now a lot of them hang off it and feed all day I will pulling it out in the next few days to do a deep clean on the tank I ended up using the lift tube they provide and its almost as good as the small pump I was using so for any one wanting t
  15. just an update on the 45ppi foam it has been running for about 6 months with no problems I haven't done any type of maint what so ever to the foam pad and the water lvls stay the same there are prob 500+ cherry shrimp in the tank now a lot of them hang off it and feed all day I will pulling it out in the next few days to do a deep clean on the tank I ended up using the lift tube they provide and its almost as good as the small pump I was using so for any one wanting&nbs
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