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Alexandre Ferreira

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About Alexandre Ferreira

  • Birthday 04/26/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Viana do Castelo - Portugal
  • Interests
    Aquarium's and Shrimps! Football and general sports!

Alexandre Ferreira's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi! I love your aquarium. But that tree is killing me......its really really beautifaul! Congrats
  2. Hi! I had found some more information and im not far from the truth. SW and Golden same shrimp? Wrong... CRS only breed Golden's....Snow White are the whites of CBS...The CBS is that they can give Snow white and golden, depending on whether or not they have the red gene. The white gene usually manifests like this: CRS-Golden CBS- Snow White Panda / King Kong - Blue Bolt Red Wine / Red Ruby - Red Bolt Im only wrong when im saying that "We can't have SW with Red Gene", because this is possible. best regards
  3. Hi! I' ve heard that to....there is a lot information on the internet that can fool a lot of people that love shrimps and want to know more about them. It's really hard to filter that information and know what is true and what is false. I only write what i experience. The results i have can not be the same with other people. But for me is really frustrating! I never had a Golden Bee in my tanks. Another interesting point is..if golden bee and Snow white are the same shrimp with diferent grades why not have the same name and a scale of grading like S/SS/SSS ? Im sory if im wrong. I dont wanna be a person who put's false information that can fools others... Im sory for the bad english Im doing my best
  4. Hi! I wish you the best of luck with that female. Im trying to get some snow white shrimps with excelent quality and im starting to get some results. This is one of the last hatch. Cant wait they get bigger to know how they get. For now i can see like this one, that they have a litle shadow on his shell, however the white is really good. What you guy´s think about that?
  5. Hi! I bought does here in Portugal. They cost me 25€ - 6 shrimps! Now i have around 100 shrimps in that tank!
  6. Hi! Some pics that i love.... Neocaridina Davidi var. Black Sakura Neocaridina Davidi var. Yellow Caridina Crystal Black Caridina Crystal Red Black King Kong Hope you like it
  7. Waw....love the fact that you have bought lab equipment. Did you had some special result from your investigation that you wanna share? Back to Snow Whites i think that what we are all loking for its a way to get the most quality full white caridina! I have so many projects going around right now! But i will make a journal of a tank were i will put a colony of PBL shrimps and try to breed them selectively in the way to get the most pure white possible. Do you think that´s a valide theory? (Congrats to USA for entry in the Finals)
  8. Hehehehe.... I´m not Shouting...I'm just triyng to have a nice discussion on Caridinas Genetics that is a lot complex. I apologize to hyoushokuif i may sound agressive. That's not my point and i just love to talk about caridinas. This world that we are talking about is so complex that we can be all wrong about him, but there is a lot of information that is not true in the internet, and new commers can be deceived by that. ( Portugal is not playing football and USA deserved more) Anyway I'm very happy with this conversation
  9. Im sorry but this information is not true!! Bee shrimps not have Tiger gene's! Think a litle be!! You are saying that we have in our tank's are Hybrids!!! The story that you have ear maybe its the apearence of Tibee Shrimps! I think, and i repeat " I THINK" the tibees apear from an accident like you said!! I know i have read that in some place...but i really don't remember!!!
  10. I'm not saying that the SW is impossible of a mutation of Crystal Black!!! I'm saying that is impossible mutation of Crystal Red !!! Snow White IS a mutation of Crystal Black!! Golden Bee IS a mutation of Crystal Red!!
  11. OFFTOPIC... i found this picture that would help a lot shrimp keepers....
  12. From PRL its impossible cause SW is a gene mutation of Black Crystal! But yes its very dificult to have pure sw!!! People who has them are keeping them for themselfs!!! The gene will be diluted but its the way to get a really good quality SW !! I believe we can have a really nice shrimp if we breed them! They will apear after SSS! Im trying to have a colony of PRL and PBL but the price is killing me!!!!
  13. Yes, i heard about that! However we have PRL and PBL ( Pure Red Line and Pure Black Line )! If we breed PBL in a clearence mode i think we can have a really nice SW shrimp! Dont you think???
  14. Yes! I can find!! In Germany! I dont know if you guys had heard about Rendo-Shrimp.... I dont know if they export to the United States! I have a lot of shrimps comming from them and they are really good including the SW!! This is the link for englysh version of the website..
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