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Everything posted by neoterrapin

  1. Where were these 3 strains developed? There seems to be a handful of people working on this strain here in the US - I've seen some high quality specimens on facebook but they're not breeding true in high percentages yet it seems.
  2. Am I the only one that has experienced this? I purchased from 2 different sources and the same thing happened. You're likely correct about the green being brought on by diet unfortunately...
  3. This is what they looked like when I first got them: This is what they looked like after 2 weeks: I went back to the lfs where I purchased them and the ones left are even more washed out and pale now. Is this normal for this strain?! -Stephen
  4. Hi, new to dwarf shrimp and to this forum. I purchased some Jade Greens this summer from 2 different sources and none of them kept their colors - reverted to yellows. I do have offspring from them though and am curious to see how they will turn out. -Stephen
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