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    JamesHe reacted to Shrimple minded in Shrimple shrimping   
    Hi Eric, thanks a bunch for your input.


    Knowing the tank volume is 40 gallons, how would you proceed with lowering GH?  My initial thoughts were to complete a 5 gallon water change with straight (matched temp) RO water, but your comment of a "few months" has me wondering.  Should I instead do a series of water changes with GH 4 water, or can I drip in straight RO in small amounts to get GH lower faster?


    Would you change out the tubing now as to avoid future issues, or can this be ignored altogether?  
  2. Like
    JamesHe reacted to EricM in Shrimple shrimping   
    I'd bring the GH down 6 is high side for crs / tbs.  I shoot for 4. I know others like James are even lower.  Like whats been said earlier dont stress over a single death.  And I never recommend throwing more products at things. 
    I go the opposite. I try to limit the things being added so their is more control.  
    as for the green/clear pipes growing stuff. means nothing. its directly related to the color of the tubing. dont want to see it get black next time. 
    you are on the right track. try bringing down your GH slowly over a few months. thats where i'd start.
  3. Like
    JamesHe reacted to eozen81 in Shrimple shrimping   
    Wow, tank looks amazing my friend. I only noticed you might think to get a filter guard for baby shrimps protection.
  4. Like
    JamesHe reacted to r45t4m4n in Shrimple shrimping   
    for a 40B there is no need for plywood, the frame of the tank sits directly on the frame of the stand.
  5. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Shrimple minded in Shrimple shrimping   
    After months of lurking, I've decided to step out of the shadows and attempt to contribute to this fine forum.  I'd like to use this space to document and share my journey into the ever-addicting world of shrimpkeeping.  
    Before I begin, I would be remiss if I didn't take a moment to thank everyone for their openness, kindness, and sharing of knowledge.........I quite simply wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you.  
    Shrimple Minded's 40G TB breeder setup - 
    40 gallon breeder with 36" Finnex Stingray lighting Eheim 2213 with Seachem Matrix & Eheim media 2 sponge filters - 1 Hydro-Pro III and 1 Como corner filter Hydor inline heating Controsoil black (fine) substrate Mosura Old Sea Mud Powder, Mosura BT-9, Seachem Stability, Prodobio biodigest used per directions Purewaterclub.com RO remineralized with Salty Shrimp GH+ Currently the tank houses the following:
    Buces - Giant Theia, Apple, Red Sekadu Velvet Mosses - xmas, mini-xmas, triangle, flame, mini-pellia, fissidens, mini-fissidens Teddy bear cholla Black lava rock -The majority of the shrimpkeeping supplies were sourced from www.theshrimptank.com
    -Mosses/buces/other goodies were obtained from www.hanaquatics.com
    *If anyone has questions about this setup or process, please don't hesitate to ask.  If anyone has guidance or suggestions I'd love to know your thoughts.
    The tank is currently 8 days into initial cycling and giving the following parameters:  pH 6.8 (Pinpoint, raised with baking soda), TDS 182, GH 6(API), KH 0(API), 80F temp, Ammonia 1.5ppm(API), 0 nits



  6. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in Amazon Prime Day   
    Yeap, same feeling, I can get better deal in Non-Prime Day.
  7. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from swivel in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    Big commercial breeder in Taiwan can have thousands of tank to breed all type of shrimp. for neos, even use big ponds outdoor.
    Size wise, I can list couple commercial breeder in Taiwan.
    YU CRS Center
    FU Shrimp International
    Crimson Taiwan
    Medium size breeder, smaller than above commercial breeder, but has top quality:
    Ellen Wang
    Elegant Lady
    Fitfy Nine Studio
  8. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in Amazon Prime Day   
    Not bad, I got mine from B&H, tax free. and has all the free stuff.
  9. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Amyers22 in Help :(   
    Sorry to speak that loud.
    I don't really mean hands, but don't disturb your shrimp as much as possible.
    Stable environment is the key to make shrimp happy.
  10. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from mayphly in Help :(   
    That's the problem.
    Rule #1:
  11. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in Drip Acclimation Time   
    I normally do overnight and up to a whole day. depends on different between the waters.
  12. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from MableBile in DIY Dual Peltier Thermoelectric Aquarium Chiller   
    This is the journal of DIY Chiller with peltier thermoelectric cooler
    1. 12V DC water pump:

    2. Vktech TEC1-12706 Thermoelectric Cooler

    3. Water Cooling GPU CPU Block 46mmX46mm Aluminum from eBay

    4. ID 5/16" clear Vinyl tube
  13. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in Greetings from San Jose   
    Cool, I'm in Bay area as well.
    I have some BKK/Panda available, if you are interested.
  14. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in Pro Tips/ Mistakes to learn from on keeping shrimp?   
    the common mistake is that keeping neos in acidic water.
  15. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Will325i in Bloody Mary shrimp for Sale - Sold   
    High grade (S+) Bloody Mary shrimp.


    One package available. 

    10 pieces. mixed sex. ~1/2" size


    SOLD - more available in 3-4 weeks.


    USPS Priority shipping. scheduled to ship on 5/16/2015, Live arrival guaranteed.


  16. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Fuman in UGF Questions.   
    Yes, it should work, I use the sponge filter from Angelfish plus, or swisstropicals. 
    I haven't tried the corner filter yet. but it's cool idea.
    My new tank in cycling, it has 4.25" round sponge filter. same material as HMF.

  17. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in Is it bad to let Purigen dry out?   
    I normally store my backup bag in complete dry condition.
  18. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from JosephKex in DIY Dual Peltier Thermoelectric Aquarium Chiller   
    This is the journal of DIY Chiller with peltier thermoelectric cooler
    1. 12V DC water pump:

    2. Vktech TEC1-12706 Thermoelectric Cooler

    3. Water Cooling GPU CPU Block 46mmX46mm Aluminum from eBay

    4. ID 5/16" clear Vinyl tube
  19. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Williamvawn in Bloody Mary shrimp for Sale - Sold   
    High grade (S+) Bloody Mary shrimp.


    One package available. 

    10 pieces. mixed sex. ~1/2" size


    SOLD - more available in 3-4 weeks.


    USPS Priority shipping. scheduled to ship on 5/16/2015, Live arrival guaranteed.


  20. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Water Parameter adjustment   
    I don't think KH matters.
    for keeping neos, only pH and GH matters.
    pH around 7.5 and GH at 8, you would be fine.
    the key is keeping water stable, it's more important than keeping it at exactly narrow range.
  21. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from stonedaquarium in Water Parameter adjustment   
    Do weekly 25% water change with RO + SS GH+ ( target GH8)
  22. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from MikeOKC in Hello from OKC   
    Welcome on board!
  23. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Purplelizard9 in Step by Step Cycling Techniques   
    Mine is pretty simple and easy.

    1. Pre-seed 4.25" cube sponge filter (from Angelfish plus) in existing healthy tank a month ahead. If you have HOB or canister filter, do the same.
    2. Add 5 lbs of Controsoil for 20L, 2.5lbs Controsoil for 10G, thin substrate works better
    3. Add RO water
    4. 4 days later, do 100% water change. adjust GH to 3. I use SS GH+
    5. Add pre-seeded sponge filter and HOB/Canister
    6. Add plants, add light (20W LED for 20L, 10W LED for 10G).
    7. Wait 3 more days then add shrimp
    8. Done

    Done cycling a new tank in 7 days (on the safe side, it can be done in one day)

    I successfully keep MK-Breed PRL, Ellen Wang's PRL, BKK, Wine Red, Yellow Kingkong, Crystal White by this way without any lose, and starts breeding in a month or so.

    If you don't have time. you can do it in 1 day. I always have extra sponge filter in existing tank.
    So I can setup new tank in emergency in no time.

    Warning, this procedure only works with ControSoil or similar, it doesn't work with ADA AS.
  24. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from TheShrimpFanatic in Step by Step Cycling Techniques   
    Mine is pretty simple and easy.

    1. Pre-seed 4.25" cube sponge filter (from Angelfish plus) in existing healthy tank a month ahead. If you have HOB or canister filter, do the same.
    2. Add 5 lbs of Controsoil for 20L, 2.5lbs Controsoil for 10G, thin substrate works better
    3. Add RO water
    4. 4 days later, do 100% water change. adjust GH to 3. I use SS GH+
    5. Add pre-seeded sponge filter and HOB/Canister
    6. Add plants, add light (20W LED for 20L, 10W LED for 10G).
    7. Wait 3 more days then add shrimp
    8. Done

    Done cycling a new tank in 7 days (on the safe side, it can be done in one day)

    I successfully keep MK-Breed PRL, Ellen Wang's PRL, BKK, Wine Red, Yellow Kingkong, Crystal White by this way without any lose, and starts breeding in a month or so.

    If you don't have time. you can do it in 1 day. I always have extra sponge filter in existing tank.
    So I can setup new tank in emergency in no time.

    Warning, this procedure only works with ControSoil or similar, it doesn't work with ADA AS.
  25. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in GH for TBs   
    TB prefer low GH.
    GH 4-6 is too high, GH6+ is asking for trouble.
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