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    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in 1st International Shrimp Competition US November 2016!!!   
    Or buy competition grade to cut the corners. haha
  2. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from gillznglass in RO unit possibly allowing chlorine or chloramine through   
    You can simply aerated it day or two before the water change to see if this is your problem.
  3. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in How would you set up a TB tank?   
    Only corner HMF needs silicone glue. get regular one. 
    it equals to two big 4.25" cube sponge filter.
    You're on the right track, TB is as easy as PRL/CRS now a days. they just grow slower than PRL/CRS
  4. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Fish with shrimp?!?   
    Only ABN Pleco is safe.
  5. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Wash sponge filter   
    You can use RO water as well.
    I wish my canister media that way.
  6. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Wash sponge filter   
    Take out some tank water Remove a sponge Squeeze the sponge in the used tank water until cleanish Replace sponge Never do all sponges at once.
    If you are determined to be super clean and do one a week (I'm not that good,) that allows 3-4 wks for the cleaned sponge to recolonize.
  7. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from BigXor in Where to get/buy foam for Priority Mail boxes   
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    JamesHe got a reaction from Dukendabears in Super crystal reds x TB   
    It's interesting to see SCR x Red Ruby.
  9. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Lowering gh   
    Ultimately, when you get to your desired gh, you want to
    take out and add the same amount each water change (ie. 10%-20%)  
    have the same gh in your new water to match your tank water's gh  
    Add pure only when topping off what evaporated because the gh and minerals are left behind.
  10. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Shrimp Life in Recommended tank size for starting out?   
    I think a ten gallon is a good starting point for Cherry Shrimp.
  11. Like
    JamesHe reacted to maylee in Recommended tank size for starting out?   
    Just wanted to clarify, I think James is referring to 20 gallon long and not 20 liters.
    I might be wrong though
  12. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Rivergardennursery in Best affordable PH pen and TDS pen   
    Just want to echo the cheap PH pens. I have gone through 3 different ones, and none worked well at all. I saved my money and ended up with seneye reef monitoring system. I am happy with that system.
    In the short term, us the API low PH test kits
  13. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Rivergardennursery in Best way to ebay shrimp?   
    USA shrimp auction group on Facebook.
  14. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from gillznglass in CRS without Active Substrate?   
    Just thin layer of active substrate is good enough.
    as long as it keeps the pH in range.
    I use 1" of Controsoil for all my bee shrimp tanks.
  15. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in Best way to ebay shrimp?   
    USA shrimp auction group on Facebook.
  16. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Greenteam in Best affordable PH pen and TDS pen   
    I tried 3 of the affordable PH pens ranging from $20-$50 and I can tell you one thing. It's an absolute waste of money, but if you want to try it for yourself you can. A buddy also tried several of the cheaper ones with the same results as me, even tried on each others tanks and readings were all over the place (even after several "fine tuning" attempts were made).
    The only reliable one so far has been the one James linked.
  17. Like
    JamesHe reacted to miwu in Snows vs Bolts :)   
    That's the problem with "red bolts," if they exist. I have one in my TB/mischling tank that looks very red bolt, but I've seen it being berried, mated by male TB, and carrying mostly regular eggs with some dark eggs, just like my other mischling females (with appearance of CRS, CBS, and snows) do. I was thinking it is just a mischling that is also a snow (homozygous recessive snow and heterozygous for recessive TB) that has more red coloring than most. If real red bolts exist, they are very hard to differentiate from more colored snows.
    Seeing red bolts from wine reds will definitely help. It'll also help to do red bolt x wine red and red bolt x red bolt crosses.
  18. Like
    JamesHe reacted to EricM in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    with shrimp tanks. def dont need to clean them. your soil will have expired long before. when resetting a tank best to not let the HMF dry out. keep it in a bucket of tank water while you change out the soil.
  19. Like
    JamesHe reacted to EricM in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    Stephan @ ST told me about another way. get the sponge wet and freeze it. then you can drill a hole through it. I havent tried it that method, I did it like Andy.
  20. Like
    JamesHe reacted to EricM in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    HMF by far the best solution for filtration.  I was blow away the first time i turned on the JetPipe. that thing moves some serious water!
    nice work!
  21. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miwu in Snows vs Bolts :)   
    I will take some photo of Red Bolt from Wine Red and Blue Bolt from BKK when I have chance.
    It looks totally different.
  22. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Super crystal reds x TB   
    Supers were made by taking high quality crs and working to improve the red coverage.
    Once mixed, I'm sure the modifiers would scatter in the super and it would pretty much be the same as breeding with a crs.
  23. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Will325i in Bloody Mary shrimp for Sale - Sold   
    High grade (S+) Bloody Mary shrimp.


    One package available. 

    10 pieces. mixed sex. ~1/2" size


    SOLD - more available in 3-4 weeks.


    USPS Priority shipping. scheduled to ship on 5/16/2015, Live arrival guaranteed.


  24. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Vshrimp in Snows vs Bolts :)   
    I thought there are three type of snows.
    Snow from CRS/CBS
    Snow from BKK - BB alike.
    Snow from Wine Red -  RB alike
    the Later two won't make any mischlings, but TB only.
  25. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in How to get rid of Hydra?   
    Buy Paracur from Amazon.
    Use 1/10 of 1 gram pack powder (222mg fenbendazole) to treat 10 gallon water.
    Put it in tea  bag
    Place tea bag in filter
    Keep it for 3 days, remove tea bag, done.
    removal snail before treatment.
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