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    JamesHe got a reaction from shrimprus in ANBU's 20 Gallon Long Half Bare Bottom Tank   
    Water flow is too strong.
  2. Like
    JamesHe reacted to metageologist in USPS workers   
    Haven't you realized by now after all your shipping issues that the shipping industry doesn't like you.[emoji12]
  3. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miwu in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    No, you don't need import license for your personal enjoyment, unless you resell it.
    I have an artical talking about how to get a license. let me dig it out later.
    in short,
    It's about $100 annual fee. the license it good for one year, and you need to renew it every year. application is pretty simple and just need fill out forms. 
    then it's about ~$50 per shippment. couple forms and deal with custom and wild life/fish department for inspection. so if you're not doing it in regular basis, it's not worth it.
    You're in CA, which city?
  4. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from randy in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    I knew few US/Canada dealers that import from oversea in regular basis, 
    Randy is the top one who focus on quality and I would recommend.
    Speedie is good too.
    Some dealer you don't want to deal with him/her any more for the bad transition lots of keeper experienced. I don't want to mention his/her name here.
    some dealer imports low quality shrimp to US market, I really don't like it. I don't want to mention his/her name here as well.
    People used to import JPRL(Crimson, Nishiki, Benibachi and Ebi-ten) before, but I guess that there is just no market here, so I didn't see any new import recently.
  5. Like
    JamesHe reacted to randy in Pumped....   
    Suggestion gladly taken... we'll be driving over 800 miles which may not seem a lot, but consider the island is only 250miles long ;-)
    I'll be taking more than just shrimp related picture, but also a photo tour of Taiwan for you guys.
  6. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    Yep, you're correct. SoShrimp, ShrimpUSA and another importer (I don't recall his name but I know he's local to me) and a few others all import. I didn't mentioned them because I don't think the first two are members on ShrimpSpot. Also, I think many folks know speedie and so can vouch for him. By no means is he the only one, it just happens that he's only of the more reliable importers with a good rep.
    I agree with you that there are many breeders if we're talking internationally. I also agree that small breeders are fun to work with. I love small time breeders as they (to me) seem to have more passion. This makes their end product better as it's a labor of love. I'm actually looking forward to seeing some local breeders by the end of the year.
  7. Like
    JamesHe reacted to randy in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    Actually, a few are trying to change the all import phenomenon... expect to see a few US big players on top of a few already doing it.
    As to the "famous breeders", you'd be surprised the range how many tanks they have. Some may just have 10-20 tanks, some well over 500. But it's really because the goal. There are many in Taiwan who run 50-100 tanks to pump out shrimps we see here, they go for quantity, there are people doing strictly pure line and they only have 10 - 20 tanks.
    My Taiwanese shrimp breeder tour starts on Nov 17, will hit at least 2 of the 8 listed by James the first day ;-)
  8. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from swivel in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    Big commercial breeder in Taiwan can have thousands of tank to breed all type of shrimp. for neos, even use big ponds outdoor.
    Size wise, I can list couple commercial breeder in Taiwan.
    YU CRS Center
    FU Shrimp International
    Crimson Taiwan
    Medium size breeder, smaller than above commercial breeder, but has top quality:
    Ellen Wang
    Elegant Lady
    Fitfy Nine Studio
  9. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    It would be a long list.
  10. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miwu in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    It would be a long list.
  11. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from christinenha in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  12. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Who's who in shrimp industry?   
    It would be a long list.
  13. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from h4n in Pumped....   
    Awesome! bring some MK-Breed CRS back.
    Regarding water parameters:
    1, pH
    2, Temp
    3, GH/KH/TDS
    4, NO3
    5, Water change schedule
    6, Additives / Supplements
  14. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Shrimp - FS: 1 Mix Panda Taiwan Bee Package   
    Offer title: FS: 1 Mix Panda Taiwan Bee Package
    Offer Submitter: Ch3fb0yrdee
    Offer Submitted: 03 Nov 2014
    Offer Category: Shrimp

    Hello Shrimpholics!

    I have...

    1 Mixed Panda Package- $160.00

    This mixed package of Pandas will include 10 young adults. These guys are near breeding size and I would estimate another month before they are ready to breed. These shrimps are all tanked bred and raised, not import like most of other shrimps available. You won’t have weakened shrimps due to stress from long distance shipping that will die off within a few weeks. These are sturdy shrimps bred by me.

    Taiwan Bee shrimps are a beautiful mutation of the normal Crystal Red Shrimps, so if you’re successful keeping Crystal Red Shrimps, you’ll find success in keeping Taiwan Bees.

    My Parameters are as follows:
    TDS: 150-220
    pH: 6.2 – 6.4
    gH: 5-6
    kH: 0
    Buyers are welcome to swing by and check out my shrimp tanks and ask questions. These are beautiful shrimps and you will not be disappointed.

    Availability is limited!!


    USPS Priority EXPRESS - $35 with DOA Guarantee
    *Note* DOA claim will only be valid if a clear digital picture of the dead shrimp are taken inside the untampered bag within 2hrs delivery confirmation. DOA is voided if package is not received on 1st delivery attempt.
    **Note** Shipping price is non-refundable

    USPS Priority - $12 (NO DOA w/ this shipping option)



    Click here to show this offer

  15. Like
    JamesHe reacted to randy in Pumped....   
    So the ticket is booked, I will spend three weeks in Taiwan starting soon. Main purpose is to visit my families there, but my shrimp breeder friends have already booked a solid week for a shrimp breeder tour.
    Background Info: Taiwan is a small island in south east Asia between Japan and The Philippines, about 250 miles long, and 90 miles wide, with a population of 23 millions.
    We will start from Northern Taiwan, visiting a few stores including Crimson Taiwan and a few other stores, then to the central island for some more breeders with small/medium operation, then hit the southern Taiwan to see those really big operation.
    I will take lots of pictures, and do some mini interviews on breeders and companies. I will be posting interviews here on the shrimpspot, and real time updates via FB. I will be getting some sample products and will be getting some freebies for ROAK for our forum members as well. Pay attention to the FB updates and here in the forum, as I might give random pop quiz to determine who gets the freebies again ;-)
    Now, how do I make time go faster?
  16. Like
    JamesHe reacted to randy in Truth or Myth   
    I talked to someone with a PhD in genetics today, she doesn't think one animal can have both Dominance/Recessive and Incomplete Dominance if the phenotype is decided by one gene. (**But I have something to add to that later on.)
    Note that co dominance is a bit different from incomplete dominance. The former on bee shrimps would result in a shrimp with both red and black as both red and black can be dominant. It's a bit uncommon but not super rare. If you look at that picture I posted above, you can find at least one. Incomplete would be red and black yield a different colour in between, example is that red flower x white flower yields pink flower.
    ** What I want to add is, the colour we see on shrimps is not a single genetic feature. There are many layers that consist of shrimps shell, the colour is the combining result of several layers.The colour we see would be the result of several genetic features combined together, each controlled by a gene. So, it could still be simple dominance/recessive on each layer, or a mix of dominance/recessive and co dominance on difference layers, even incomplete on some layers too.
    Now, it's too complicated and I took my genetics more than 20 years ago. What I tend to believe is that it is simple dominance/recessive, so all my shrimps are still either CRS or CBS. As to why we see some CBS that looks more like brownish than black? I think that's just the quality of the black colour. Just like in CRS, you can have some with bad red colour that it almost looks like pink or orange.  Another proof is that, I have a line of pure line CBS, I have not seen one CRS from that tank, however I do still see some with not so good black (culled, of course). So if that's what people think as the incomplete dominance then it doesn't make sense as my pure line has no red gene?
    We're all guessing with the observation of the phenotypes we can see, genetics is not an easy topic, I'm just expressing what I believe based on what I have observed. Maybe some day I will change my opinion, but for now, I still tend to believe it's just dominance/recessive. Thanks James for bringing up the point for discussion. I have that magazine but I can't remember where I placed it, I'll try to find it and see what the breeder says.
  17. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from eozen81 in Show off your shrimp ball!   
  18. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Truth or Myth   
    I saw brown shrimp as a result of mixing CRS and CBS. this is the co-dominant inheritance case I believe.

  19. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from MN Shrimping in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  20. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miwu in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  21. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Jadenlea in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  22. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Pika in KATI & ANI unit. experiance.   
    I watering my back yard with waste water, so it's not waste at all.
    I even use some waste water for my fish tank. then goes to back yard. recycled twice!
  23. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Desireenfh in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  24. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from randy in Bloody Mary Shrimp - Babies are about 10 days old   
    Finally got berried females about a month ago.
    Here are the new born babies.

  25. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from randy in KATI & ANI unit. experiance.   
    I watering my back yard with waste water, so it's not waste at all.
    I even use some waste water for my fish tank. then goes to back yard. recycled twice!
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