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    JamesHe reacted to jumpsmasher in Making my own PRL. Or am I?   
    How breeders get their prized top end shrimps is really their own trade secret.  If you are developing you own line, any individuals that does not meet your criteria has really very little value to your breeding program and like I said the end result will speak for themselves.  Once your get to a level of the asian breeders no one will question the lineage.
    The PRL term only really comes into play when you are selling off your culls and expect a certain price point for them.  Of course ppl will pay more for PRL but with that term comes expectations that they are not crossed with CBS, Golden or non-PRL CRS.
  2. Like
    JamesHe reacted to jumpsmasher in Making my own PRL. Or am I?   
    Yes but do realize that crossing PBL with your PRL might set you back years... And since it been crossed with PBL most ppl would consider it a "Pure Line" but not necessarily PBL or PRL.  If your goal is a PRL than you have to make sure you don't breed any shrimps with any "undesireable" trait - so crossing it with CBS is big no no.
    It would be more accurate to call "Tigori Red Bee Line"  rather than PRL as the generally accepted definition is that PRL has not been cross with any non PRL (i.e golden, CBS) as it would be no longer "pure red" once you do that.
  3. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Pika in Hydra problem in 4 gallon CRS tank   
    It's very hard to dissolve, that's why I suggest to put it in a tea bag, so you could remove it completely after the treatment.
    I use HOB:



  4. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Ron in Just saw my cpo breeding. :)   
    Good luck with them.  Once you get them going, it's hard to control them.


    At one point I had over 100 babies in a 10 gallon tank. 
  5. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from ShortGirl in Hydra problem in 4 gallon CRS tank   
    It's very hard to dissolve, that's why I suggest to put it in a tea bag, so you could remove it completely after the treatment.
    I use HOB:



  6. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Adam c in Algae problem   
    It is staghorn. The easiest way is a spot treatment with either h2o2 or Flourish Excel (API co2 booster, Glutaraldehyde).
  7. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Doc4PC2 in Removing Shrimp from bag   
    I just put the bag in a bigger container.
    cut top open. and start acclimating by dripping in water.
    once you have enough water in the container, gently flap over and let shrimp out.
  8. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Removing Shrimp from bag   
    I just put the bag in a bigger container.
    cut top open. and start acclimating by dripping in water.
    once you have enough water in the container, gently flap over and let shrimp out.
  9. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Hydra problem in 4 gallon CRS tank   
    remove mystery snails, too.
    Actually I only use .1g for planaria, and use .05 for hydra.  Takes a bit longer, but gentler on the shrimp and still gets rid of them fine.
  10. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miwu in HELP! pH drop after using R.O. water for the first time in 30% water change   
    Looks like you keep neos.
    so Salty Shrimp GH/KH+ is better.
  11. Like
    JamesHe reacted to davesays in Hydra problem in 4 gallon CRS tank   
    Do you have any nerite snails in the tank? Be aware they are sensitive fenben, I would remove them prior to medicating the tank. Even after water changes and filtering with carbon to remove any residual medication, I found that nerites wont last long in the tank.
  12. Like
    JamesHe reacted to SpeedieAquatics in We are now officially a Sponsor!!!   
    Thanks for accepting Speedie Aquatics as a sponsor here on this wonderful forum.  Be on the lookout for our monthly shrimp giveaways.  Thanks for the continued support from all you crazed shrimp fanatics here in the US!  Stay tuned!!
    - Nick 
  13. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in HELP! pH drop after using R.O. water for the first time in 30% water change   
    Yes, agree. there are lots of way to do the same thing.
  14. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from randy in ROAK, but not "free"   
  15. Like
    JamesHe reacted to randy in ROAK, but not "free"   
    Depends... not every has the same tolerance as I do ;-)

  16. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from randy in Finally had mosquito larvae problem under control   
    The answer is fish.
    I don't have small fish like tetra.
    the smallest one I have now is Endler females. quiet big compare to shrimp.
    Luckily I don't have shrimplet in the tank, all adults.
    so I take one from my fish tank and drop in the shrimp tank.
    It only takes couple minutes to clean every larvaes I have in the tank.
    then I take it out of the shrimp tank.
  17. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Finally had mosquito larvae problem under control   
    The answer is fish.
    I don't have small fish like tetra.
    the smallest one I have now is Endler females. quiet big compare to shrimp.
    Luckily I don't have shrimplet in the tank, all adults.
    so I take one from my fish tank and drop in the shrimp tank.
    It only takes couple minutes to clean every larvaes I have in the tank.
    then I take it out of the shrimp tank.
  18. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Thank you to our members!   
    best shrimp community ever.
  19. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Thank you to our members!   
    Most of you know that I honestly believe secrets in shrimping will kill the hobby in America if left to continue. 
    For example, it was once that way with reptile breeding, and as soon as people became open with knowledge gained- the reptile business exploded with more people than ever entering the hobby!
    So Kudos to the members here for sharing so freely in what has been learned from breeders and personal experience!
    Also THANK YOU for welcoming members both advanced and new into this shrimping hobby of ours!
    We've done a great job in making sure everyone feels welcome here, and I'm sure we'll continue to make friendliness and openness our top priorities here!
    If there's ever any spam or a flame war in the making, just remember that two words to the left of the "multiquote" tab under the post is the word "report."  Click on that, write your concerns, and the mods will figure things out ASAP. 
    We're all in this together folks!  We're all one community!  Kudos to YOU for making this forum a success!
  20. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from SpeedieAquatics in We are now officially a Sponsor!!!   
    Wow, nice to see you here.
  21. Like
    JamesHe reacted to Greenteam in Does anyone feed shrimp meat to pet shrimps?   
    When I first started keeping fish I had a cray fish in the tank that I gave it a piece of hot dog. It died a few days later  so I don't know if it was the hot dog that killed it or the fact that I had no clue what the hell I was doing.  
  22. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from h4n in PRL Crystal Red Shrimp   
    Ask Randy about MK-Breed.
    It's the top quality, IMHO, it's much better than JPRL.
  23. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Allicat in Old sea Mud?   
    I don't use any of other things.
  24. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from DETAquarium in TKS Supply shipping materials.   
    I select ship by weight. and input the guessed weight.
    If your estimated weight is lower than actual weight, you pay extra when shipping.
  25. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from clo1_2000 in Mineral Balls   
    Pretty much as a source of trace elements.
    so you don't need a lot, I would put one or two per tank, just for peace of mind.
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