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    JamesHe got a reaction from SPARKACHU in Wine Red versus Red Panda   
    Panda is the Wine Red with bands.
    Wine Red is the generic name of Red Kingkong.
    Red KK = Wine Red, which includes Ruby Red ( full red coverage), Stripes ( One or Two narrow stripes on back), Panda ( Bands). Hino/No Entry, Mosura.
  2. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Cottaball in Wine Red versus Red Panda   
    Panda is the Wine Red with bands.
    Wine Red is the generic name of Red Kingkong.
    Red KK = Wine Red, which includes Ruby Red ( full red coverage), Stripes ( One or Two narrow stripes on back), Panda ( Bands). Hino/No Entry, Mosura.
  3. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Purplelizard9 in Step by Step Cycling Techniques   
    Mine is pretty simple and easy.

    1. Pre-seed 4.25" cube sponge filter (from Angelfish plus) in existing healthy tank a month ahead. If you have HOB or canister filter, do the same.
    2. Add 5 lbs of Controsoil for 20L, 2.5lbs Controsoil for 10G, thin substrate works better
    3. Add RO water
    4. 4 days later, do 100% water change. adjust GH to 3. I use SS GH+
    5. Add pre-seeded sponge filter and HOB/Canister
    6. Add plants, add light (20W LED for 20L, 10W LED for 10G).
    7. Wait 3 more days then add shrimp
    8. Done

    Done cycling a new tank in 7 days (on the safe side, it can be done in one day)

    I successfully keep MK-Breed PRL, Ellen Wang's PRL, BKK, Wine Red, Yellow Kingkong, Crystal White by this way without any lose, and starts breeding in a month or so.

    If you don't have time. you can do it in 1 day. I always have extra sponge filter in existing tank.
    So I can setup new tank in emergency in no time.

    Warning, this procedure only works with ControSoil or similar, it doesn't work with ADA AS.
  4. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Ron Kalman in Weekend project   
    DIY rack for 4 20L and 4 10G.


    Make slot holes:

    Ready to build, 4pcs 2x4x96, 6pcs 2x4x7.5, 10pcs 2x4x51

    Side frame is done:


    Add beam


  5. Thanks
    JamesHe got a reaction from Cleeon in Making my own PRL. Or am I?   
    PBL (Pure CBS) is selective breeded from wild type Bee shrimp which has black and white color.
    It has not relationship with CRS. The only thing they share is the same wild type Bee shrimp ancestor.
    CRS is mutation from wild type Bee shrimp.
  6. Thanks
    JamesHe got a reaction from Cleeon in Making my own PRL. Or am I?   
    Let's look at it this way.
    Golden is actually just mutation of CRS. it shares the same ancestor as pure CRS.
    so you cross these two, it's no longer considered as pure red CRS. All agree on this, right?
    Now you intruduce new ancestor (CBS, Wild Bee) into your PRL blood line. you still want to call it Pure?
  7. Thanks
    JamesHe got a reaction from Cleeon in Making my own PRL. Or am I?   
    Not everybody agrees on this, it's big controversy on this topic.
    IMHO, pure red crystal shrimp is the descendant of first three red Bee shrimps.
    any cross breed with wild type Bee shrimp (or CBS) would damage its Pure status.
  8. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Pneumonic in Domestic Leaves for Shrimps?   
    You can find Mulberry tree everywhere.
  9. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from miniminx136 in Post your other pets!   
    My lab Max.

  10. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Mr. F in High temps   
    Life span would be shortened. became weaker and would have molting issue due to un-healthy
  11. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Shrimp Life in High temps   
    Summer is hot in most area of China, and without air conditioning or chiller.
    No way to keep CRS during summer time.
    the whole colony just die off.
  12. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Pokeshrimp in Floating plants with shrimp?   
    Frogbit is the best choice.
    It has long root and suck lots of NO3. easy to remove if you want to thin it out.
    duckweed is a headache to clean if it over run your tank.
  13. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Floating plants with shrimp?   
    Frogbit is the best choice.
    It has long root and suck lots of NO3. easy to remove if you want to thin it out.
    duckweed is a headache to clean if it over run your tank.
  14. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from TheShrimpFanatic in Step by Step Cycling Techniques   
    Mine is pretty simple and easy.

    1. Pre-seed 4.25" cube sponge filter (from Angelfish plus) in existing healthy tank a month ahead. If you have HOB or canister filter, do the same.
    2. Add 5 lbs of Controsoil for 20L, 2.5lbs Controsoil for 10G, thin substrate works better
    3. Add RO water
    4. 4 days later, do 100% water change. adjust GH to 3. I use SS GH+
    5. Add pre-seeded sponge filter and HOB/Canister
    6. Add plants, add light (20W LED for 20L, 10W LED for 10G).
    7. Wait 3 more days then add shrimp
    8. Done

    Done cycling a new tank in 7 days (on the safe side, it can be done in one day)

    I successfully keep MK-Breed PRL, Ellen Wang's PRL, BKK, Wine Red, Yellow Kingkong, Crystal White by this way without any lose, and starts breeding in a month or so.

    If you don't have time. you can do it in 1 day. I always have extra sponge filter in existing tank.
    So I can setup new tank in emergency in no time.

    Warning, this procedure only works with ControSoil or similar, it doesn't work with ADA AS.
  15. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from californiashrimp in Cheapest tank mat ever   
    Bought couple 20"x30" foam boards from Dollar Tree. 1/8" thick.
    Works great.
  16. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in Hello from SF Bay Area!   
    Welcome, you're close to me.
  17. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in bloodworms increased berried shrimp?   
    If they lost appetite, then would be health issue.
    Don't get me wrong, I feed my shrimp with varies of shrimp food, not single one. there is my feeding schedule:
    Sunday: Mulberry Leaf / Snowflak / Barley Straw Pellets 
    Monday: GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner, one Gran per 3 shrimps
    Tuesday: MK-Breed Red, one stick
    Wednesday: GlasGarten Bacter AE, 1/2 dose
    Thursday: MK-Breed Cheeseburger, one stick
    Friday: Other brand shrimp food I have, random feed.
    Saturday: Bloodworm, one cube, every 2 weeks/ GlasGarten Bacter AE, 1/2 dose
    I have about 300+ shrimp in this tank. I do not follow it strictly, but close.
    food would be gone in an hour or so.
    I do 25% water chagne weekly to control the water quality, and lots of floaters plus I have Purigen in filter.
  18. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in Hinomaru   
  19. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in Wine Red versus Red Panda   
    Panda is the Wine Red with bands.
    Wine Red is the generic name of Red Kingkong.
    Red KK = Wine Red, which includes Ruby Red ( full red coverage), Stripes ( One or Two narrow stripes on back), Panda ( Bands). Hino/No Entry, Mosura.
  20. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Louie in Shipping Fish Questions   
    Shipping fish is tricky.
    fish fin can penetrate the thin bag (as breather bag) easy.
    so shipping fish with trick regular bag and O2 is safer.
  21. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from svetilda in Anyone Use Only Sponge Filters for Bee, Crstal or Tiger Shrimp ?   
    Taiwan breeder F&N Shrimp Studio does it.
    It had one article on FB, but it's in Chinese.
    Dobby is working on English version but not available yet.
    -蝦子有問題- 來吧!!
    Q1. 為什麼五九蝦場你們要選擇使用"水妖精"養殖?
    1.水質其實穩定,因為容易找到缸子的問題----對我們而言蝦缸設備東西越多要顧的東西越多,出問題的時候越難找到問題點。 如果只用水妖精的話很簡單就只要顧好你缸子過濾的核心,就是水妖精的那兩顆"腎"就對了(我都把水妖精的那兩顆綿比喻為腎,因為他就像我的腎一樣重要)!!
    OK!!那最後就來分享一下Five & Nine 五九蝦場的設缸方式
    2.雙腎形水妖精兩隻(預算夠的人 個人推薦使用Tetra 我們最近也要全面換成Tetra的了 因為過濾綿的密度且本身比較不容易阻塞)
    3.黑土(目前是使用PowerHouse, 各種土都可以用 ,我們用過ADA PowerHouse 亞馬遜二代土 Nisso 都可以搭配水妖精養法,差別在於崩解速度 跟 肥力 以及設缸之後水清的速度 )
    2.放水(蝦場水源使用三胞胎白棉→活性碳→弱酸軟水樹酯 )
    以上就是 Five & Nine 五九蝦場 
    Q1. 為什麼五九蝦場要使用"水妖精"養殖?
    讓更多人可以享受到繁殖 鑑賞 水晶蝦的樂趣~
    Based on Google translate:
    2015.2.28 - Shrimp has a problem -   Your problem is common - I'm not expert but let me share my experience ~ I can only share my experience I gained during keeping and breeding shrimp for years, to help more new friends have the opportunity to learn more about how to keep and breed shrimp If you have a better view or answers, please do not hesitate to contribute here !!   So let's start: - Shrimp has problems - alright !!   Q1. Why Five&Nine shrimp studio chooses to use only sponge filter?   Friends who had visited Five&Nine shrimp studio all know, that we have more than 100 shrimp tanks (size 60cm * 45cm * 40cm) are using only two sponge filter. So why only uses sponge filter?   Let me talk about the advantages 1. Water parameters are very stable, because it is easy to find the problem ---- for us if we have more shrimp tank equipment then more things need to be taken care of and more things could go wrong, it's harder to find real issue. If only using sponge filter, then it is very simple as long as good care of your filtering media, which are two sponges (I always take two sponges as kidney, because it is like the kidney to everybody, so very important) !! 2. Easy to clean ---- clean 110 canisters? It takes lots of time to clean canister even I did it occasionally ! Cleaning sponge filter is much easier !! 3. Cost --- which is the key point, with limited funds, the money to buy a canister can buy lots of sponge filter.   Now is the disadvantage of the sponge filter 1. Temperature control is more difficult ---- when using sponge filter, you have to use air conditioning of the room to control the water temperature at the desired temperature, you can't use chiller without canister or water pump. 2. Too cheap ---- the money you saved let you want to setup another tank or buy some new shrimp. so it loos like the tank would multiple itself.   When you read here, you may wonder. [should I try sponge filter in my tank?] Indoor temperature must be stable (Keep room temperatures between 24C to 26C is better) so in Taiwan air conditioning is must.   [should I switch over to sponge filter?] Is you tank stable?? 1. If you tank is stable, please do not change, because buying a new tank is very simple, but it's very difficult to make stable, so you now have a precious stable tank, please do not change, and also congratulations that you find your own way to run the shrimp tank (I did not encourage you to buy a new tank to test the sponge filter method.) 2. If you can not find the cause of instability of your shrimp tank for a long time now, then you might try it!! Maybe you'll find something to make your excitement!! [Can I keep lots of shrimp with sponge filter?] To tank size is 60 * 45 * 40 with two sponge filters, I keep 700 adult shrimps without problem !!! more than that I haven't tried !!! I don't like it personally - I'm terrifying crowded places so I think I should not keep shrimp that way!! I would generally put 100 to 180 females with 20 to 40 males to start a new tank. to me this is most appropriate density and breeding stable.   OK !! Last I would share the way to setup shrimp tank at Five & Nine shrimp studio   "Equipment" 1. The two-foot tank 60cm * 45cm * 40cm (not necessarily this SIZE) 2. Kidney-shaped sponge filter two pieces (I personally recommend using Tetra sponge filter if budget is not issue. We recently have replaced all our sponge filters with Tetra because of the density of the filter sponge and are less likely to clog itself) 3. Black Soil (currently using the PowerHouse, all kinds of soil can be used, we used the ADA AS, PowerHouse, ControSoil, Nisso II, the difference is how long the soil lasting, rich in nutrition and how soon the water can be cleaned.) 4. Air pump   "Begin" 1. Pour soil into tank and level it (3cm thick or so is good) 2. Add water (Our studio uses 3 stage water filtering system, sediment filter, activated carbon, softener resin) 3. Fill water to the desired height 4. Place sponge filters and start the air pump (Rinse the new sponge before use) 5. Add nitrifying bacteria + concentrated microbial enzymes (any brand is fine, not have to use m9) and concentrated microbial enzyme prompts biofilm and provides nutrient source to shrimp so I setup the tank and add it daily. 6. Wait for the tank cycled - after three weeks you can add test shrimp.    
  22. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from EricM in 1st International Shrimp Competition US November 2016!!!   
    Or buy competition grade to cut the corners. haha
  23. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Ulux_2 in Step by Step Cycling Techniques   
    Mine is pretty simple and easy.

    1. Pre-seed 4.25" cube sponge filter (from Angelfish plus) in existing healthy tank a month ahead. If you have HOB or canister filter, do the same.
    2. Add 5 lbs of Controsoil for 20L, 2.5lbs Controsoil for 10G, thin substrate works better
    3. Add RO water
    4. 4 days later, do 100% water change. adjust GH to 3. I use SS GH+
    5. Add pre-seeded sponge filter and HOB/Canister
    6. Add plants, add light (20W LED for 20L, 10W LED for 10G).
    7. Wait 3 more days then add shrimp
    8. Done

    Done cycling a new tank in 7 days (on the safe side, it can be done in one day)

    I successfully keep MK-Breed PRL, Ellen Wang's PRL, BKK, Wine Red, Yellow Kingkong, Crystal White by this way without any lose, and starts breeding in a month or so.

    If you don't have time. you can do it in 1 day. I always have extra sponge filter in existing tank.
    So I can setup new tank in emergency in no time.

    Warning, this procedure only works with ControSoil or similar, it doesn't work with ADA AS.
  24. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from Dluxeshrimps in Hydra problem in 4 gallon CRS tank   
    I did it about a month ago, never come back.
  25. Like
    JamesHe got a reaction from gillznglass in Starting over....   
    ADA AS is bad choice for neos. too acidic.
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