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Vicente Mcdonnell

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Vicente Mcdonnell last won the day on October 2 2014

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    Redwood City, CA
  • Inverts You Keep
    Crystal Red Bees, Royal Blue Tigers, Ruby Reds, Amanos

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  1. I think in the US as far as live shrimp go, most of those i know buy shrimp from other forum members instead of websites.
  2. Where were you able to acquire the Powerhouse filtration media. i couldnt seem to find a place that sells them.
  3. Bringing back an old thread, anyone ever end up getting any tuepfels?
  4. By the way if you do decide to get an RO or RO/DI unit be sure to also get an auto shutoff kit. Makes life so much easier. You can leave it on and not wory about flooding your house on accident.
  5. I wish I could rent fish Looks like the nuke worked. I have a nano tank with a whole bunch of scud bodies floating on the top. I hope the small ones burrowed in the substrate died too. I think for my 44 gal, ill just do a tear down and restart. The substrate is is super old anyway.
  6. I have the same problem in an empty nano tank with hc carpet. For this one i will nuke with soda water and cover with plastic wrap overnight.
  7. Mine is not heavily planted. Your cichlids left the shrimp alone? I thought those fish were kinda big.
  8. Just tigers and amanos. All mature size. What fish would be best? Its a 44 gal tank. Scuds burrow too will fish be able to get them?
  9. Lost all my mischling babies to scuds. I used to only have a few but now its a horde. The tank now only has amanos ottos nerites and all male tigers. So im not expecting shrimplets anytime soon. Whats the best way to deal with this problem?
  10. Awesome work on the glass. Where do you get your glass, and do you cut it yourself?
  11. Wow Hyoshoku, that's pretty much a step by step guide on growing various algae. Like a textbook. How do you know all this stuff?
  12. You can also just grow chinese spinach right in your tank, like i do!
  13. Algae and nitrates, sounds like good reasons to keep dosages in check. How much do you guys dose when you do it once a week (or once every two weeks). Do you still go by the dosage instructions on the container, if not, how much more do you guys add?
  14. A really pretty one too. Mine all turned black with age. Maybe in Germany they are considered the same? I also hear some call them blueberry shrimp.
  15. Can you OD on the stuff such that it hurts the shrimps? For example, can you dose once a week vs everyday, and just increase the dosage?
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