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svetilda last won the day on August 30 2016

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  • Gender
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    Concord, CA
  • Inverts You Keep
    Red Cherry Shrimp,
    RKK Mischling,
    Taiwan Bees,
    and now Aura Blue Tigers!

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  1. I don't have any experience with the Seachem buffer but I know that neocaridina shrimp don't like soft water. Maybe you should try caridinas in your jar? Don't buy anything fancy and expensive, just a few low grade crystal red or black shrimp and see how they behave.
  2. Today this piece of my mini riccia came from its 2" Han's moss ledge. It's a good size and bigger because the edges grew under the ledge. About 1" thick. $20 shipped. The ledge is for scale only, not for sale.
  3. It's what I thought too because they are yellow. Of course I don't have them and am not going too for a very long time because they are so expensive. But I have some babies right now from Mayphly's TTxCRS and mine I have no idea who. They look so red and yellow, they are just bring me happiness when I look at them.
  4. I feed all my fish and shrimp Nori but fish food (not for people). All of them love it.
  5. My AB's came from him also!
  6. I think this female is a mama to the yellow baby shrimp. Here on the picture you can see (hopefully) how yellow she is compared to a male.
  7. I separated my BB's into a new tank and see only 2 left in the original tank. Neither of them are mosura shrimp.
  8. I feel so bad for you guys! I hope it will not be that strong as it seems to be.
  9. If they were mosuras then I lost them :-(
  10. Update. I don't know the answer to my question. Looks like the markings didn't mean anything and I still have plain BB's. Or I lost the BB's during my vacation because right now there're no mosura BB's in my tank. :-(
  11. Thank you, Vpier! (That shrimp in the picture is an adult.) Just wanted to update. The very next day I didn't find the shrimp (or it looked normal and I didn't recognazed it). But that day there was a molted female that had a little bit of red in her guts. At least I don't see anything alarming in the tank...
  12. Here are a couple more pictures of the yellow baby. Now I think it's yellow AB. I think you can see his marks... and it's still yellow...
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